A massive thank you to Evile!!!


Feb 12, 2007
Southampton, UK
For.. releasing Five Serpents Teeth!

I don't post here very often, but thought I'd just like to thank Evile for making the record of the year,, I've been listening to constantly since I bought it and it's just fucking awesome. I haven't got this exited about a new record since Nevermore's This Godless Endevour in 2005- so it's been a while! Also, I got to see Evile again in Southampton on the tour and that was fucking awesome as well.

Cheers guys!!!
For.. releasing Five Serpents Teeth!

I don't post here very often, but thought I'd just like to thank Evile for making the record of the year,, I've been listening to constantly since I bought it and it's just fucking awesome. I haven't got this exited about a new record since Nevermore's This Godless Endevour in 2005- so it's been a while! Also, I got to see Evile again in Southampton on the tour and that was fucking awesome as well.

Cheers guys!!!

I saw them in Southampton as well, fucking epic show :kickass:
Competitors yeah but really, FST is a 100/100 album. I always managed to find something I didn't like in the other albums (the ones I heard at least).
Vektor, Onslaught, Skeletonwitch, Neuroma, Loudblast, Protector, Hell.. a lot of competition. But FST is incredible, no question about that.

Vektor doesn't even come close in my mind. My competition is "A Dramatic Turn of Events" by Dream Theater and "Omnivium" by Obscura. "Neighborhoods" by blink-182 as well, but I can't compare that to the other bands I mentioned. :lol:
My list would be Evile, Vektor, Havok and Warbringer. Done. FST is a phenominal album, and I'm pretty sure that if FST went in a different direction this album may have taken a turn for the worst.