A Mayhem interview

Although I thought this was very, very true:

Black metal requires a lack of talent.

"The opposite is true. But there are too many idiots without talent making black metal and giving it a bad name. You need talent and you can hear that in a Mayhem-album. It is too bad that many unskilled bands still sell. People without any knowledge of black metal allow those bands to exists buy purchasing their records."
Most of the shit black metal doesnt sell though, except to the panda metal lovers who think that the worse it sounds the more kvlt it is, and by default, thats about 1000 copies, because any more than that and they wouldnt touch it because it was too mainstream :)
Your music would sound much better if you sung in Norwegian.

"We have never contemplated abandoning the English language. Norwegian does not have the same impact for Mayhem. Norwegian is more suited for singing about the romantic side of this country, the mountains and the rivers, than it is for our regular subjects. In fact, I think that if we translated all of our lyrics into Norwegian it would sound really silly.

Goreripper said:
Although I thought this was very, very true:

Black metal requires a lack of talent.

"The opposite is true. But there are too many idiots without talent making black metal and giving it a bad name. You need talent and you can hear that in a Mayhem-album. It is too bad that many unskilled bands still sell. People without any knowledge of black metal allow those bands to exists buy purchasing their records."

haha Dimmu Borgir anyone? :D