A message from Joey Vera


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
Here's part of the Mesage that regards to Armored Saint:
Some of you may know by now but Armored Saint has confirmed
playing at the Bang Your Head Festival in Balingen, Germany
next June 2006. They gave us another invitation and after
having such a good time in 2001, we decided “why the fuck
not?” To chill growing speculation, as of now that is the
only show we will playing in 2006 and we have no definite
plans to record a new record.
Hello guyz!:wave: My first post here.(so fuckin' what? you say) I just wanted to say that it would be great if you could arrange some more european apearances.(Maybe here in Greece as well:grin: ) Last time I saw you, was in Athens with Brainstorm in 2000, and it's still one of my best shows I ever saw.(Thanx by the way). Hope to hear some news from you soon. Good Luck and be well.:rock: