A mini tour?!? Nice job ladies!!!

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
I noticed the mention of the 12 dates (2 with Ratt) on the front page...

The Maidens are well on their way to fame and fortune!!! or at least a larger fan base :p

My compliments to your skill and hard work to get this far! ;):hotjump:
I wanna go! :cry: Knowing my run of luck lately, I'll be stuck here working.
Not bad! I'm goign to try to see if I can make it up there on one of my brother's buddy passes from AWA for a few of the shows, but we'll see.
Originally posted by Keyser Soze
Run to the Hills, the Maidens are coming ;)

Heehee, I like that Keyser! We're totally excited about this mini tour! It would be so great to have our trusted and much loved (awwwww!) Smylex with us and see our bud Heenan pointing his big equipment at us! (get your minds out of the gutter, you pervs!) :cool:
Big equipment? That's the first time I've heard it called.... uh never mind. Hah. Linda how did those new hearing aid/noise blocker things work?
They work like a charm! It's wild how they don't mute anything out, it just sounds like somebody turned the volume down. To top it off, no hissing or ringing in the ears after the gig! (Other than the permanent one that's already there!) I strongly recommend them to everyone who is not currently using earplugs. They only cost $160 for both the molds and custom plugs. Not a bad investment! Gotta keep that hearing protected so you can keep listening to all that great music!!!!