A Natural Disaster out on 20th Oct


the crestfallen
Jan 4, 2002
southern Poland
"Continuing their outstanding career, and proving that longevity is still
possible, Liverpool's Anathema return with possibly their most daring album to date. 'A Natural Disaster', although still distinctively Anathema, is a composition of light and shade, yin and yang, exploring the ever-growing potential of rock music. From true rock chaos to atmospherics shown by the likes of Air/Portishead, Anathema have returned. The new album is due to be released on 20th October, 2003."

Music For Nations
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:

portishead?!! :yell:

it is the most overused reference.
if it's something they can't find straight label for or/and has some electronics with vocs - they call it Portishead-like.
in most cases it has nothing to do with the music itself but who, they think, cares anyway.

lately Antimatter, now this. fuck.

(and the Air-reference is catching up quickly)

other than that - it's a piece of fantastic news!
air are good but the comparison is really stupid. anyways, they've got to say something, right?

the countdown has begun...
cedarbreed said:
Moody, have you had a look at the new Star Academy ? Morganne, the drummer girl is just :yow:

lache l'affaire, comment je lui pète le ass à elle.
The most daring album to date? Air?? Portishead?? Electronics??
Danny saying the album "should appeal to some of the anathema fans" and "its a decent album, but not one that will be repeated"
Ohhhhh, i must stop reading about it! :)
Lenore said:
tain la marocaine l'est miam aussi hein comment kelle s apelle, sofia jcrois

ché pas j'ai pas bien vu tout le monde encore, y a une blondasse qu'est pas mal mais un peu conne aussi. par contre le ptit con patxi lui j'le choppe je le défonce sa race. il tiendrait pas 20 minutes dans ma téci.
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
ché pas j'ai pas bien vu tout le monde encore, y a une blondasse qu'est pas mal mais un peu conne aussi. par contre le ptit con patxi lui j'le choppe je le défonce sa race. il tiendrait pas 20 minutes dans ma téci.

haha dejà avec un nom pareil il mérite pas de vivre ce ptit con.
Ah ptain t'as vu la genevoise fan de britchné, han mon dieu vla le travail, l'a un bo c.. mais alors ptain y'a que ça à garder:erk:
les gars aussi sont louches ils ont tous des têtes en plastiques:ill: