A Natural Disaster out on 20th Oct

John Carvajal said:
hehehe :tickled:

Danny at samael = :kickass: :rock:

Danny dreaming = :p samael :o

so whats new in the Samael camp?? I lost their path since Exodus album (the last one?)
Neh, Eternal is their last one.
Had a big bust up with Century Media (like many bands contracted @ CM), and now the brothers Xy and Vorph are doing a side thingy, Era One. should be released soon. tho probably not thru CM. maybe they do, just to get theirselves off the hook like..
and Kaos left, Makro replaced him.
You'll have to excuse me, my vomit cunt slime wasn't related to your post, it was just sporadic, like the intermittent winds ducking and diving.
cedarbreed said:
Ouais c'est la pouf de service, il en fallait bien une pour gonfler l'audimat. Et le basque là c'est clair, il faut l'abattre, il me tape déjà sur les nerfs.

:ill: Quelle misère le basque, il pourrait même pas postuler comme vendeur de glace à l'ETA militaire (d'ailleurs s'ils pouvaient faire quelque chose pour le dégager lui et quelques autres...) Rano : ouarf la batteuse elle est grou :OMG:
Sopel said:
wow, this thread is here only 2 days and atm there's 100 replies and over 1000 views!
Ah ah ah, I've just been to the Marshan (I don't know this band) forum. There is a thread with more than 4500 views and 560 replies,:tickled::tickled: the title is "Naked Pictures in here"... but there are no naked pictures:ill:. It was just to see how many people would come:p