A near hour long song DOES NOT get better than this ...

Susperia said:
My curiousity is piqued....

I will try and find this song somewhere

Yeah, I have no idea where I got my file of it so I can't help you here... but good luck anyways =P
Susperia said:
Yeah.... Haha Why'd you change the way I spelled peaked??
>__> You spelled it wrong.

tr.v. piqued, piqu·ing, piques

1. To cause to feel resentment or indignation.
2. To provoke; arouse: The portrait piqued her curiosity.
3. To pride (oneself): He piqued himself on his stylish attire.

peaked, peak·ing, peaks
v. tr.

1. Nautical. To raise (a gaff) above the horizontal.
2. To bring to a maximum of development, value, or intensity.
Both of them would kind of work actually, but yes, "piqued" is the proper way.
I saw some local band the other day, they were borderline death metal/metalcore. They weren't anything great really but their bassist was insane. Instead of guitar solos they had bass solos.
I'll check this out

a) because I've never really listened to Sabbat (Jpn) though I've been meaning to and
b) to test my hypothesis that hour long sucks are bullshit

b has yet to yield any experimental results indicating falsehood.