A new Evile album?

Jan 27, 2006
Hey Guys,
Can't wait for the reissue, I guess I have to get that version too!

I havn't been on this board in a while so I was just wondering if/when you are going to record a new album?

:kickass: from Sweden
We're writing non-stop and have been for about the past year. We take a long time to write, but that's not because we're slow. We work and work until we're 110% happy with everything involved. We did this for 'Enter the Grave' but a few tracks when I look back, I wish we'd have spent more time on.

That won't happen this time as we're working our balls off on this next one.

The 'plan' is to record it in early 2009, have it out mid 09, but as we've learnt, 'plan' doesn't always imply that's what will happen. We'll stick to the plan though!....
Can't wait to hear something new!! :kickass: (as always)

just an idea: make some coverversions of old-school thrash-songs f.e.
from bands like Exodus, Slayer, Kreator (I hear some really strong Influences of this band!!), Annihilator...etc.
The good thing about the new stuff is we're being quite conscious of what we write and if it sounds like "evile" as that's our vision. I know how we should sound and what our songs should be like and the vibe you should get while listening to them, but it's hard to bring that out of your yorkshire head and into actual form....

which is why we take so long with writing. you'll also notice i give really long posts on stuff like this so brace yourselves....

With ETG we were just wanting to thrash our tits off, and we did that, and looking back at what we did, yeah it sounds a lot like other bands, we're still proud of what we've done, but it was a starting point as to where this band should go and we have an idea of where we want to take it.

we have a vision of what evile could be, and we want to follow that, as we think it could lead somewhere interesting, we might get close to it with the new stuff or we might discover new things that we can aim towards next time for new material to get even closer to that vision, but the new stuff so far is so much better than ETG, it's more "EVILE" and less "oh that bit sounds like testament" or whatever.... (this is my personal view, not evile's)

but no matter what you do i guess you're always going to be compared to someone, all you can do is cut down the number of comparisons to as few as possible.

If anyone gets concerned by reading this by thinking we arent going to be thrash or anything dont bloody worry, we will always be doing fast stuff, always, BUT, for me, and i speak for me here, not evile, playing fast ALL the time bores the piss out of me, whereas playing slow stuff all the time would bore the piss out of me, as a band member or crowd member, we just want to experiment more, we're musicians, we want to improve ourselves and the band and we feel like we've begun doing that with the new stuff. It will still be thrash metal, but it won't be 80's thrash metal, it won't be modern thrash metal, it will be "EVILE". And that's what will matter.

Maybe expect a taster of new stuff early next year, maybe on tour..... but we are aiming for a mid 2009 release, it could be sooner but we had so many plans that have fallen down before us (you have no idea of the stuff we should have been doing that went tits up) that this is how things are. So stick with us, in the meantime, enjoy the reissue, come and see us when we tour, bring us some jelly beans. \m/

oh and as for cover versions, IF we ever did any, we wouldnt be doing classic thrash songs..... every band in the world just does typical crowd pleasing metal covers. sod that, i would rather do an obscure remake of something completely unmetal. thats just me though.
sounds good to me. And I totally get where your goin, when I write songs for my band a lot of times it seems that we sound like somebody else, but its those riffs that stick out in the middle, the ones that sound like you, those are the good ones.
Sounds great guys, looking forward to here the new Evile-sounding Evile stuff
but "oh that bit sounds like testament" is just a good thing, since they are probably the best thrash band ever...
Keep the speed and thrash! maybe an album with more variation/dynamic/"breakdowns"??? (More Master of Puppets than Reign in blood if you know what i mean hehe)
I cant wait for this album
better than ETG!!! that is one hell of a challenge as ETG is one of my fav albums ever
I would love to hear some cover of completly unmetal songs done by u guys wud be hilarious
The title of the new album is going to be...

"sherbet pancake"

and the artwork will be:
