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The Journalist
Apr 17, 2001
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Here's some info!
I'm moving to my own flat now in the middle of Jyväskylä, a university city in the middle of Finland.
I'm moving there with my girlfriend.

Damn... what's happening to me?! :D

Anyways, I have a job for summer (a shitty one), my own flat in the middle of the city and a girlfriend, what else do I need...
If only I can get to the university for autumn my life is peachy.
That`s great. I started to live alone when I was 16 years old... But the big difference is that here in Chile is very difficult to live alone when you are young, because is very expensive, and the job for young people have small paying... Now I live with my girlfriend, and both are studying, but in adittion to be studying we have to work at less 6 or 7 hours per day...