One more useless thread..


Nov 1, 2001
es-POO, Finland
..but it has to be done.

I GOT A STUDY PLACE AT HELSINKI UNIVERSITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D:D :D :D :D :D

Which makes me even more happy is that this was my first time I applied, quite many people can't get in at the first time. And I also finished my high school this year so I had less time to study these uni entrance exams because I also had my final exams...actually I started to study two weeks before the uni exams :oops: I've also heard they have the most difficult exams at Helsinki uni. So yay :D This also means I'm moving to Helsinki to my own apartment :D

~Zeanra~ said:
One more useless thread..

It's not a useless thread. You got into a school you wanted and are of course happy and would like to tell people. Compared to some(many) threads people make on web forums, this is pretty high class, I'd say. Congratulations.
You did what now? :confused:

News to me. :rolleyes:

Congratumalations Bo-Beany-Baby! :p

I take it you're looking forward to Helsinki then.. (Except for the part where you constantly find yourself dodging He-arse :Smug: )