A new Opeth fan has arrived!


Oct 26, 2002
In Stockholm
Visit site
"Wrote this in the introduction section but I guess that I should have posted it here instead" :spin:

Hi! I’m a 32 year old guy from Sweden, Stockholm. I’m recently fallen in love with a band called Opeth. I don’t know about all of u, but nowadays its not often that I feel like "crying out to the whole would...LISTEN to this now!!" I feel like I wanna baptize people to come to the one and only true light when I listen to Opeth. It’s really fun to be surprised by a record and now a whole bunch surprises me!

My favourite group of all time is Marillion (The old Marillion with Fish as the singer. Not the new Marillion, I thing they simply suck). The record "Misplaced Childhood" is for me the most brilliant album ever. The lyrics is simply Amazing! And the music must be heard by all, before u pass this time and place :p Iv done so many things with these records playing in the background. They was (and are) a part of my life: Script for a jesters tear, fugazi, misplaced childhood and clutching at straws.

Now I have a new group to be crazy about and that feels niiiiccce. When u fall in love with music it is almost like being struck by the arrow of Amore (almost I said, I’m not totally out of my mind...). I'm so glad that I stumbled by pure chance on Opeth. I was reading some revews on Amazon (Meshuggah) and a guy there said that Opeth was one of his favorite bands. I downloaded MAYH and i got COMPLETLY hooked! Thanks to you whoever u are!!! :grin: Now I'm buying all the records (bought Still Life and Deliverance today mmmmm). And now I'm gonna listen and just float away into the music.

Over and out, I hope I didn’t bore u all to death with my ramblings but I just had to u know.

Ps. u MUST listen to Marillions "Childhoods end". And read the lyrics damn u. They are simply superb. ds


I love Opeth. They are my favourite band ever. You should get Morningrise, because in my humble opinion it is the best album ever. :rock:

You can find me on the Opeth boards.

Enjoy. ;)
yeah! Opeth is a great band!
i'm happy to see that some other people like this band.
i like so much "Blackwater parc" & 'Still lyfe" album.
Hi and welcome to UM:wave:
Opeth got me into metal 2 years ago and yeah I love them! Today I finally ordered Deliverance and now I'm waiting and longing to listen to it!:loco: