A new perspective on life...


Endemic Vagabond
Feb 16, 2004
Have you ever stopped and thought to yourself "why do I do the things I do?"

I know I do. And statistically, I bet you do too.

But have you ever noticed how you just can't grasp the life you have and live it the way you want too? We as people have to remember though, we can't just be passive agents in life, we must act out! Live life on the rim, stretch out your imagination and take in all that life has to offer!

Take my hand, let me give you a new perspective on life!

Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadies! I don't see a ring on that finger! Looks like we have a certified bachelor on our hands here ^_^
Should I add a warning to the OP?

You damn well know you would rather be here than the philosophy subforum.
I fucking knew it as soon as I read "rim" and "stretch" I was like "oh shit here it comes". Good goatse set up.
Damn, didn't get to see the image. Didn't come soon enough. From the thread title I thought that Pessimism adopted a new perspective on life and that he was to rename himself "Optimism".
Yeah, like the other day I was walking up the stairs, and normally I usually skip a step when I go up the stairs, but this time I only went up one stair at a time. So I then started to ask myself, why did I do that when I could be going up twice as much.

yeah, skipping a step is the way to walk up stairs.
Yep, double offensive that way, taking a quintessential internet classic and remaking it like a cheap Hollywood sequel.