A new recording :)


Jul 15, 2005
This is the newest recording for my Endtime (Don't sue me) project :) with themes of depression and a post apocaylptic landscape, I owe my inspiration for this project to Katatonia.

This song is ambient and gritty with an Agolloch type tone on the lead guitar and is the "sequel" to the third track on the album, Soul Mate. Vocally, I tried going for the Mikael Akerfeld inhaling growl, but mine just sounds weak so this is recorded with a clean voice where my accent can shine through (That's a bad thing) :P

Please tell me what you think before I let my girlfriend listen to it...It's dedicated to her :P

From the edge of death
I saw you descend
Shining bright,
A light at my possible end
Tigress eyes blazing in the autumn twilight
You took my hand
And the dark took flight

You wrap me in warmth
You make life worthwhile
With your lips against mine
I’m happy to be alive.

What would I be without you?
Where would I be without you?
Who would I be without you?
I’m certain I’d be dead
I’d be nothing again
Without you
I’d be nothing again.

Vocals sound weird, too loud or something. Are the vocals supposed to be louder on the left channel, or is my hearing messed up?
They should reverb in the left channel... I really hate the way the first verse sounds but I like the 2nd and the 3rd :)
ouch, the vocals and the vocal lines (?) are really aweful...I would fix that ASAP, the lyrics are a little on the cheesy side, but if done right they could have more effect. sorry for the negative feedback.
Oh no, it's not negative, it's suggestive :P I've had no formal vocal training so my voice really isn't good at all...I'm a guitarist by heart :P