A Night With SX: Your Ideal Setlist

Aug 1, 2005
Batavia, IL
Just for conversation sake, lets suppose Symphony X decided to do an "Evening With" show. What would be your ideal setlist?

I factored in the following points to make my setlist:

1. I picked quite a few I have never seen before, which I assume most would.
2. I made a point to touch on ALL albums, though some more than others.
3. I took into consideration the way I would like the show to "flow," if you will, as far as heavy/light, epics or ballad-type songs and the like.
4. I chose a setlist that is almost exactly 2 hours and 15 minutes long, similar to most "evening with" shows.

That being said, here is my ideal SX setlist:

1. Frontiers
2. Awakening
3. Secrets
4. Transcendence/Communion and the Oracle
5. Pharaoah
6. The Witching Hour
7. Whispers
8. The Haunting
9. Through the Looking Glass
10. Accolade 1
11. Accolade 2
12. In a Winter's Dream-Prelude Pt 1./ The Ascenscion Pt. 2
13. A Fool's Paradise
14. Rediscovery Pt. 1/ Rediscovery Pt. 2


15. Rapture or Pain
16. The Edge of Forever
17. The Divine Wings of Tragedy
hehe, I was refering to the original post, Tubbs ;)

hmm ideal SymX setlist...

for me:

1. Of Sins and Shadows
2. The Eyes of Medusa
3. Dressed to Kill
4. The Edge of Forever
5. King of Terrors
6. The Damnation Game
7. Church of the Machine
8. In the Dragon's Den
9. The Odyssey


1. Prelude (tape intro)
2. Evolution
3. Inferno
4. Smoke & Mirrors
My ideal set would be:

Damnation Game
Of Sins And Shadow
Accolade II
Candlelight Fantasia
Communion and The Oracle
Sea of Lies
Through The Looking Glass

The Odyssey

That would blow my mind.
It would be "an evening with Symphony X" divided into two sets:

set one
Sea Of Lies
Accolade II
Edge Of Forever
The Odyssey
Wicked (admittedly not one of my favorites, but it's a live favorite for a reason and kills the studio version, so it belongs)
Of Sins And Shadows

set two
V in its entirety
Hmm...... Let's see..... Does a Rock Opera version of V with Stage actors and Theatrics count? No? Shit. Well, here it goes.

1. Into Dimensia > Raging Seasons (Start from the Start)
2. Inferno
3. The Relic
4. Pharaoh
5. Egypt > Death of Balance/ Lacrymosa
6. Candlelight Fantasia
7. Masquerade
8. Sonata > In the Dragons Den
9. Accolade 1
10. Some kinda Segue going into....
11. Acolade 2
12.:worship: MJR Guitar Solo or Rullo Drum Solo :worship:
13. Damnation Game
14. A Fool's Paradise
15. Dreaaed to Kill
16. Sea of Lies

17. Through the Looking Glass
18. Rediscovery Pt. 1 > Rediscovery Pt. 2
19. The Divine Wings of Tragedy
20. The Odyssey

:headbang: :worship: :headbang: :worship: :headbang: :worship: :headbang:

But seriously, my dream Symphony X Set would really be a theatrical version of V, with Stage actors, small scripts in between each scene, and everything acted out. If Queensryche can do it with Mindcrime, then Symphony X can do it with V.
good thread indeed...

1. Frontiers
2. Masquerade
3. Inferno (UNleash the Fire)
4. Accolade
5: Sonata
6. Accolade II
7. King of Terrors
8. Raging Seasons
9. Damnation Game
10. Winters Dream Parts 1 and 2
11. Whispers
12. Lady of the Snow
13. Death of balance/lacrymosa
14. rediscovery parts 1 & 2
The Odyssey
The Edge of Forever (with extended solo's and added parts)
Every single song that they have ever made plus all the solo records. All in a span of three days, of course.
in no order:

1st half:

Accolade II
The Haunting
The Bird-Serpent War
On The Breath Of Poseidon
Orion The Hunter
Trascendence into Communion And The Oracle
Dressed To Kill
Taunting The Notorious

Interlude: Every member does a solo act for a few min a piece

2nd half:

A Lesson Before Dying
A Winter's Dream Pt. I and II
The Divine Wings Of Tragedy
Through the Looking Glass I, II, and III
Rediscovery Pt I and II
The Odyssey

I'd definitely love to see the odyssey be the last song, I just love that choir part at the end.
Church Of The Machine
The Eyes Of Medusa
Rediscovery I
Rediscovery II
The Accolade
Accolade II
Death of Balance
The Odyssey
In the Dragons Den
Of Sins and Shadows
Church of the Machine
The Odyssey
Absinthe and Rue
The Edge of Forever
Orion the Hunter
Candlelight Fantasia
Inferno(Unleash the Fire)
The Divine Wings of Tragedy
The Edge of Forever
Accolade I
Accolade II
Through the Looking Glass (I+II+III)
Rediscovery (I+II)
A Winter's Dream (I+II)
A Shades of Grey
The Odyssey