A No longer ProgPower Virgin...


AKA Irish
Sep 26, 2004
Sterling VA
Without getting all sentimental and mushy and all that crap, I just kinda wanted to take a moment for a little vent - a good vent - uh-hem...

I went down to Atlanta hoping I would run into a couple people, hang out with some and party with 'em.. Hoping I'd meet a new friend or two... All the people involved at this event; the bands, the vendors, the fans, the bartenders (at least in Vinyl - Jamie and the guy that looked like he could be his brother), the security(Sam the Italian bad ass rules!!)... Everyone was just amazing!! I mean you can't not go around a corner and not meet someone - or at least rip someone if they are wearing an opposing hockey team's shirt (hi Scott!!)... Everyone was smiling, laughing.. well as long as they weren't hurling... And ya just don't see that any more these days... And this wasn't just at the venue for me but also when I popped up at the Residence (home sweet home) and the Granada - whad up Porch crew and our most esteemed Porch Commander, Tore.. hehehe

To everyone I met, thanks for making me feel like I've always been a participant at PP, 'cause from now on, I will be a regular...

Great music, great people, lots of beer and the epitamy of kick ass ~ thanks for one hell of a vacation all... :kickass:
Whatever you do peeps, dont say the C word around her! :loco:

Glad you enjoyed havin' your cherry popped! :headbang:
DrumRman said:
Whatever you do peeps, dont say the C word around her! :loco:

Glad you enjoyed havin' your cherry popped! :headbang:

LOL! Speaking from experience?
By C word, I assume you mean "church" :saint:


Jen, nice to have FINALLY met you after all these years on that "other" list.
You rock, see you next year!

J-Dubya - Who's buddy Jimmy will most likely be a PP regular, after having his cherry popped HARD this year!:headbang:
Jenn it was really awesome to meet you and glad you got to hang out with us for a bit!!! Next year will be just as good if noit better, I can say that with extreme prejudice LOL

Send me a PM with your e-mail so I can send a pic I took of you and John!

Hi there co-pilot. This is your crew. I sure wish you had seen fit to spend some time with ME over the weekend, instead of just in the CAR! :p

I'm SO glad you had a great time. And now I shall say "I told you so!".

See you next year!! :headbang:

Go Canes! :)


Welcome to the gang... Just make sure you remain a regular... :)

It is amazing how you can meet people from all walks of life at this show. We always meet someone else in town for the show while taking in sights during those mind-fogged hours while there is some daylight still left outside. Always cool to meet someone new and hear new bands that you've never heard of before. That's what makes this show so special for many of us...
RawData said:
Go Canes! :)


Welcome to the gang... Just make sure you remain a regular... :)

Go 'Canes?? yeah revisit later in the season when we'll be sittin' atop the division baby!!!!!

Thanks for the welcome...

And I must take a moment to give a shout out to my boy Nick from Division who just RAVED about Wade Black and his preformance Friday night... He was so overcome with excitement ~
I too am not longer a Progpower virgin and happy as hell i am not. Thanks to all of you that made this the most enjoyable experience i have ever had. Will I be back next year???? You bet your ass i will be. I would not miss it for the world.