A Novel I'm Writing


Apr 18, 2008
Hey guys, any readers here? I am now 20 years old, and I just found the first chapter of a book I wanted to write that I wrote 4 years ago. I'd like to know what you guys think. I am going to rewrite the way that the kid gets famous, and add to the scenes but I really like the overall idea.

Basically, a junior in high school writes a song and puts it online. Gets famous, spends summer getting famous/touring making a hit record. That all happens before the book starts. Book starts when he has to go back and do his senior year of high school. He is a cynical bastard who hated everyone who in turn ignored him. So now he's Mr. Popular, hates it and has no idea what to do with his life and himself.


I quite like the idea.. and while I don't read a LOT, or write or anything like that, hopefully I can offer some help.

Its a good idea, but the main thing is that you tend to tell rather than show. The whole bit with the Dad felt like a recount.. it might be better if you just say 'since Dad left' or something, and explain it later on, its not really necessary and it slows down the beginning (which already takes a while to get into because you're explaining how he got famous). And show all that shit through how the characters are acting, instead of "I didn’t take it that hard I guess, but that was mainly because I hated the bastard." I mean its not BAD, but its not really necessary at that moment, and its going off-track, whereas if you just make him act in a certain way to show that, you're showing more about the character and you can explain why later on.

Again with like
“That’s just me.” I said. I say what’s on my mind if you can’t tell.
If we can't tell then its not obvious enough ;p

Haven't done a very good job explaining that, but hopefully you understand what I'm getting at.

Also a tad too much swearing.. the odd word is fine but you had like 3 swear words in one paragraph and it comes off a bit teenage-angsty (I realise its written from that perspective but still, it gets a bit annoying).

And there are quite a few spelling/grammar errors.

GL, hope you continue with it.