A Perfect Circle and Danny Carrey

Oh, yeah, I'm sorry, I did say that I was a special fan. :wave: :tickled: I didn't appreciate how he was treating other people too, they would be excited and they were saying things and he wouldn't respond back. I never thought of myself being a special fan. I just wish that these musicians would appreciate the people who give them their jobs and their luxury. I can't believe I'm the only one who would like some appreciation. :Spin:
next time you see your garbage man, give him thanks, because he does just as much if not more to improve the quality of your life as tool or APC does.
Cows on million man march said:
honestly, a perfect circle seems like just anopther (pop/)rock band to me...the thing with tool is that they have some good elements, but they cant seem to follow it up in their songs...tool is the only band i know where when i listen to the cd, i have to skip parts to reach the "good part of the song"...if they can follow up their good stuff, they would be much better.

baaah, cows, sorry i disagree.

tool are excellent and a perfect circle, too. :hotjump:

two of my all time fave bands... and "lateralus" and "mer de noms" is among my top ten ever.
Bleak Eyes said:
It seems like bands like Opeth and Soilwork are always talking with fans. Maybe it's something that the Europeans love doing.

Yes it does seem like that. IMO, I think they are grateful to be here and play their music and have their fans come out and enjoy it. However, it seems that a lot of, not all, American bands treat it like some chore or grueling job. They played at a club. I mean, how many people could have been out there really?
They played at a club. I mean, how many people could have been out there really?
Exactly, as I said before, there were about 10 or less people waiting for him. If there were loads of fans than I would understand him, but not with such a small amount. Not everyone wiaiting got an autograph anyway or anything else for that matter. I understand what the fuck everyone says that he doesn't have time, but there wasn't that many fucking people, I can't stretch that enough. Tool and A Perfect Circle do enhance my life just as much as a garbage man. I didn't care if I met them or not, but I figured it wouldn't hurt either. I wish that I had just left and never bothered with him now. Anyway, he plays in Pygmy Love Circus. They're some Southern rock sounding band. Can't wait to hear everyone elses shit. :grin:
Let me add something. All I wanted to do was talk to Danny about drums or something. Tool does more for me than A Perfect Circle does. Not too long ago I used to love Tool, but I haven't listened to them in awhile because I discovered Opeth. I really enjoy Danny's drumming in Tool.