A Perfect Circle - Mer De Noms


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
A Perfect Circle - Mer De Noms
Virgin - 2000
By Philip Whitehouse

You might just have heard of this lot - after all, they did sell over a million copies of this album last year. Not really surprising when you consider that the line-up includes Maynard James Keenan of Tool fame and Josh Freese of Vandals (and, bizarrely, Guns 'n' Roses) infamy.

The music is quite hard to describe. Basically, it sounds like the song-writing talents of Tool have been put through a wringer with NIN-style electronica and Eastern influences. The resulting sound is a complex, beautiful sonic soundscape, always passionate and emotional and never less than enthralling in its wonder.

Stand-out tracks include the aggressive 'Judith', a savage attack on blind faith, and the achingly melancholy '3 Libras', a song about being overlooked. The former includes a staggering performance from guitarists Billy Howerdel and Troy Van Leuwen, while the latter sees Maynard at the peak of his vocal abilities. Freese's drumming, too, is never less than superb, a sentiment that could be echoed for the album itself.

The only downside to this band is that it is something of a side project. With Maynard having already been summoned back to Tool's fold, this project could be in its final stages already. Check out the album and own as near a slice of musical perfection as you'll ever get.
Amazing Cd that always leaves me in a reflective mood!