A political question


Jun 8, 2002
I would be interested in your answer to this question. I am not aware of any of you besides gurilla being interested in politics, but if you have anything to say, I would like to hear it.

Would the US be better off as a true democracy, or do we do better as the polity it is now?

For those of you who are unaware under a true democracy everyone in the country would vote on every issue. In our current polity we elect officials to make a decisions for us.

I think under a democracy it would be harder to hide things from the masses. Decisions would actually be made according to how many people wanted that decision, and not how many politicians want that decisions. I do not know how convenient it would be to have everyone vote on everything....

If government was based on actual numbers though, it would be much harder for either the FreeMasons or Skull and Bones (don't know which one is really ruling the world) to run the government. Bush is a part of skull and bones....and he recieved less votes than gore...and he is president. The president before him was also in Skull and Bones...and the president before that...and several other people in positions of power. But that is a different thread altogether.
A true democracy sounds great, but I don't know, there are a lot of stupid Americans. Just look at Bush's approval rating. It might be just as bad as the policy we have now.
to be brutally honest, no country in the world could ever have a so called "true democracy" due to the fact were all so different and theres so man people with conflicting ideas on whats right. it would be an udder chaos
i think the socialistic form of government is the way to go, because everything is paid for (i.e. medical, health) ud be set. and no matter what job u had, ud get paid fairly. sounds too good to be true.
not to mention our president cant chew a pretzel let alone run a country. gore would be no better. i think if ralph nader wouldve won the election, we couldve prevented a lot of this downward spiral.
not just 9/11, or enron, but like the sudden economic slump were in due to twisted politcs. there, im done :)
it would be an udder chaos

yeah, millions of cows running around, running the world with their udders, spraying people with their unholy milk!

i think you meant utter.
I think the US is fucked either way, but yeah a true democracy is always better. Countries belong to people and they should be the ones to decide about important issues. Of course, since not a whole lot of Americans are interested in politics, I'd take it a step further and suggest that a law is passed that forces every god damned American to get off their butt, vote and take an active part in politics, so they don't complain later when they don't like some laws, etc.

i think the socialistic form of government is the way to go, because everything is paid for (i.e. medical, health) ud be set.

Right on brother...

Power to the people!!!

Socialism, great way to go, you pay all your money to the government and they run your life. I'll take freedom, thanks. Remember, Hitler was a socialist (Nazi = National Socialist party). The US is a democratic republic. I think our system works for the most part, but there is too much cloak-and-dagger shit going on. The only perfect system is a dictatorship with someone uncorruptable and wise in charge, and since that can never happen, I think we're doing aight.
Don't mix socialism with Stalin's communism or Hitler's fucked up socialistic ideas... Nobody runs your life and you're free to do whatever ya like. Granted, you may pay more taxes, but the government takes care of medical expenses, schooling etc. Plus you don't have to worry about huge-ass corporations fucking up the economy, since the most important ones are usually government owned. The perfect system would be libertarian communism, but just because it can't be achieved now, that doesn't mean we have to stop trying...

You guys have a little more trust in people than I do. Especially if you want communism. I think that there has to be some form of rule over the people. If everyone had absolute freedom, the world would be in worse shape then it is in now.
Socialism, great way to go, you pay all your money to the government and they run your life. I'll take freedom, thanks. Remember, Hitler was a socialist (Nazi = National Socialist party). The US is a democratic republic. I think our system works for the most part, but there is too much cloak-and-dagger shit going on. The only perfect system is a dictatorship with someone uncorruptable and wise in charge, and since that can never happen, I think we're doing aight.

Nazi-ism, National socialism is a far cry from the democratic socialism being references here. Keep in mind that major Nationialism prefix, ya know, that only Aryans and true Germanic types were given anything or allowed anything. Or whatever specific national group holds the power.

Not sure I buy into socialism either way. Much as I sound like my old man, it kinda chafes to see one person bust their ass and get no more reward for it than someone who does hardly anything. Of course, life has a way of fucking people that way with or without governmental systems, so maybe it's just a more microcosmic representation of the whole.

Our democratic republic is so ruled by rampant commercialism and capitalism now that it hardly resembles what it once was. Which will be a problem. Pure capitalism is merely social-darwinism without legislative controls, neither justice nor morality survive beneath the raw configurations of gain and loss, supply and demand. Balance needs to be restored again.

And a true democracy would probably be far more nightmarish than what we have. Bad enough we can't real political candidates and end up going for brand names *Pepsi= Gore, Coke= Bush, buy what you know carp* Fucking politics. People are too dumb to rule themselves, but they have the right, even if they lack the brains.

A brief description:

Libertarian communism attempts to do through a social revolution what democracy failed to do in a political one; make all citizens equal. In theory it begins with a revolt by the proletariat. Once the revolution is achieved, a social system in which all possessions are distributed equally among all is established. The government is originally strong to create unity and peace and to oversee the distribution of goods. In theory, the government of communist states is to begin large and powerful and slowly dwindle away until a state of anarchy, or libertarian communism, is achieved. In this system, people would have lived their whole lives in a communistic society, and would therefore have no qualms about working together for their common good.

For more info go here : http://burn.ucsd.edu/~acf/ace/mlc5.html

what could I say? hmm...

I live in a country that is supposed to be over with the transition phase, from the Socialistic Republic of Croatia, that used to be a part of Socialistic Federative Republic of Yugoslavia, into a new healthy capitalistic country. though, as I see it, the transition will turn into the neverending story.
now as we are a capitalist country, there is so much democracy, that it smell's of anarchy(freedom.hehe) (LOL?), and people who grabbed the head of the state are just collecting goods for their own little nests... laws are made to suffocate a small man, salaries big enough to cover the rents and the bills... I see the laws are applied properly... well done. :p

I was born with a christian soul, justice-for-all type (not that I was baptised or anything, truly christian breathing is the meaning), but then my mind influenced it... is there justice for all? :err:

however, I play dead to the politics issues, at least I'm trying and I think I'm good at it. :)
Libertarian communism? The description there is essential marxism, something that's never actually been applied in actual politics because it was supplanted by Lenninism and other such pseudo-marxist communist ideals. But, like true anarchy, it only looks good on paper and the natural dynamics of the social interaction of humanity always reverts to some funky ruling system. Any body wanna tell me why the FUCK we're discussing political theory and philosophy? FUck that, I'm gong to get another Guinness and listen to some Danzig and feel bluesy and satanic.
mm no i think it would be the same crap.as time passes and the propaganda ministry gets stronger,the masses become easier to manipulate.see now how they are trying to scare people with stuff like "the terrorists were planning to do this and that" so that they can make their wars about oil etc.
PS:isn't it strange how most evil guys are at countries with oil?
yes. sweden is the country where u pay more in taxes yet the government helps u out. and yes there was a pure form of democracy but no it didnt last long.
we have direct representative democracy and will always. it sucks. no president since the jfk has done anything notable. with the exception of the berlin wall coming down in the late 80's