A project I'm working on (opinions please)


Aug 6, 2006
San Antonio, Texas
Here's a unfinished song for a band I'm working on. The guitars and bass are scratch tracks. But let me give you a rundown of the drum tracking process.

Kick-Audix D6
Snare Top- Audix i5
Snare Bottom-Samson QSnare
Racktom 1 Top- Sennheiser e604
Racktom 1 Bottom- Samson QTom
Racktom 2 Top- Sennheiser e604
Racktom 2 Bottom- Samson QTom
Floor Tom Top- Sennheiser e604
Floor Tom Bottom- Samson QTom
Hi Hat- Samson CO2 Pencil
Ride- Samson CO2 Pencil
OH L & R- Samson CO1

Drums are a Pearl Export, I don't know the size of the drums but the kick has a KickPort recorded in my untreated garage. it's all I have at the moment. lol
I am recording into my Mackie 32.8 board into two Mackie HDR 24/96 24 track recorders. All the bottom mics are phase reversed with PR adapters. I tracked with compression and gating going in. I went old school with this recording, I took an old midi sequencer and recorded a tempo/click track. The guitar scratch tracks were recorded direct with a Line6 Spider 150 head and bass we DI'd in. The drummer was having issues with his left foot not hitting his kick drum as hard as the right and because he's using a single kick with a double pedal it was hard getting the double bass parts to sound consistent. also when he would go into his double bass parts he was barely hitting the snare. Things you don't pick up on when your rehearsing. So after 4 hours we decided that it wasn't time for them to record yet and the drummer needed to work on his timing and consistency. I've decided that I'm gonna replace the Audix i5 with a tried and true SM57 and maybe add a Yamaha Subkick to the kickdrum, but haven't decided...kick seems to have enough punch. But here's a track and tell me what you think of it and some suggestions. Keep in mind we are not gonna do any drum replacements or triggering.

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i guess we have completely given up on using the practice room subforum around here


And he's been here since 2006... I'd understand if he was completely new (scratch that, wouldn't even then), but no. :err:

And he's been here since 2006... I'd understand if he was completely new (scratch that, wouldn't even then), but no. :err:

Well i wasn't promoting my work, I was looking for opinions on what i could do better and gear i used. I did say that it was unfinished and was re-recording it. Now there's a thread where i originally posted where a newby posted his mix..... asking how he could get his mixes more punchier, basically your opinions on what he could do better.... which is what i was asking. So yea, I think I posted it it the correct place originally. Production tips and techniques.