Song from the last album I produced. The real deal.

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City

Hi!! :kickass:

Some of you may remember the post I did a month ago about a band I worked with. This is one of their songs, full quality mp3, soundcloud (downloads not allowed, sorry!)

Drums are all real, with kick 100% replaced, snare 50% blended in with Snare 15Z1 from SSD. Everything else is not replaced:
Kick: AKG D112
Snare: 2 SM57 (top and bottom)
Toms: 3 Samson Qtom.
Overheads: Oktava MK 012

Bass was a Fender (can't remember model) through an Avalon U5 DI and then into POD Farm 2.

Guitars were recorded with an Epiphone Les Paul (white one, can't remember specs) into the same Avalon preamp through TSE 808> LeCto > LeCab > Lolzgreg's impulse.

Vocals were recorded with a T.Bone SCT 800 tube condenser microphone, into Focusrite Octopre.

Keys were recorded using a MicroKorg, additional french horns in track 10 by EWQLSO Gold.

Mixed at home in Reaper.

I hope you guys like it!! :rock:
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The overall sound is very good. But there are some things that could be easily fixed:

-There's too much compression in the master bus I guess. After the guitar and drums intro, when everything comes in, the compression is very noticeable. This is used in some productions but here the effect is too dramatic, giving the feeling that everything turns down instead of rising it up.
-Autotune in the melodic lines is too noticeable too.
-from minute 3:00 on the rythm of the song becomes crazy. See the drums and specially the snare hits.
snare is too thin and tuned too high, also pops out a little too much in my opinion.

when snares are tuned too high they lose alot of smack, the snare in this song has pretty much none :/
Thanks for replies!

All the points you mentioned as faults are exactly what the band asked me (and I had to disagree, but customers decide...), anyways, there's nothing to change now, as it's already in the stores, but good to know for my next job.

cheers! :D
What is that lolzgreg impulse ? I've seen several persons using it.

I dig it. My 2cents : the kick is too heavy on soft parts, but it's a personnaly taste. I agree on the mix a bit overcompressed but if that's the band choice, as long as it doesn't go against your reputation..
I don't think the snare is too thin at all. It's definitely got quite a bit of punch the mix; the fundamental isn't very low though.

For the most part the mix is pretty rocking. You did a nice job :)