A PT 8.0.5 issue that's capable of killing my computer.

Fox Mulder

The Truth Is Out There
Jan 22, 2009
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Hey guys, I need your help.
My computer would randomly reboot while mixing. Specifically put, while toggling between plugs. I set my buffer size to 2048 samples because setting it higher than that causes SD2.2.3 to go bonkers for a reason I'm not aware of. Anyhow, 2048 is fine for me.

I've searched everywhere, came across someone facing a similar issue. He solved his problem by updating the iLok driver. I did the same, but to no avail.

Kindly note: I have a free upgrade offer to Pro Tools M-Powered 9 (as I purchased version 8 after mid-March this year, when MP9 wasn't released.) but would like to wait till I upgrade my computer as PT9 only supports Windows 7 and Mac. I'm currently using Windows XPSP3.
Thanks in advance.

P.S - Have any of you tried PT9 on Windows XP? Would it even install?