A question for Dag!

Dan M.

Nov 16, 2008
I have been listening to the Swano's music for years now and in that time frame Dan and Dag continue to impress me with their musical prowess in every piece of music they make. I am saying this as a music lover and a fellow musician. Nightingale, Unicorn, or Dag solo have ended up in my list of favorite "bands". Now to get to the point. The three Dag solo albums, Fonster, Inte Som Andra Barn, and Kometer, Gummi and Jag, are incredible!:rock: A feast for the ears, if you will. Yes... I'm getting to the point. Dag have you ever thought about posting your lyrics on your website or publishing them with your cd's? It would be nice to understand what you are saying in your music. I do suppose it is really my fault as I do not speak Swedish, but I could translate the lyrics with a Swedish-English dictionary. And, have you ever considered writing a song in English for your English speaking listeners who enjoy your solo projects? Last but no least, when will the new solo album be ready... I can't wait!
Glad you enjoy my stuff !

My new solo album i just about finished. The lyrics are too obscene: alll about fucking and drinking and being nude....not really :)
I used to have lyrics to my CD:s on my site and now it´s time to do it again. I still have most of them lying in cyberspace i just have to link them :cry:
Since most of my CD:s end up with none Swedish people the request for the lyrics have been...shall we say....not big
But ´ll ger around to it soon
I have put up the lyrics for my two latest albums on my discpage. Just klick on the covers. Gonna put up "Fönster" soon


You can buy my albums from my site. The manliest shop on the www :)


Thanks so much Dag! With a Swedish-English dictionary and a Swedish grammar book I will be translating lyrics all afternoon!:lol:
I'm sure it will take me much longer than I think?:)
Would it be alright to post an English translation of your lyrics? For those of us whom have not yet learned the fine Swedish language.:grin:
Thanks so much Dag! With a Swedish-English dictionary and a Swedish grammar book I will be translating lyrics all afternoon!:lol:
I'm sure it will take me much longer than I think?:)
Would it be alright to post an English translation of your lyrics? For those of us whom have not yet learned the fine Swedish language.:grin:

Nice !

Start with the lyrics made by me. Jimmy Thunlinds lyrics is complicated
even for Swedes :)

Most of my and Jimmys lyrics dosen´t translate very well. They are not
"ordinary" lyrics. They are a bit special..like the music :lol:
Nice !

Start with the lyrics made by me. Jimmy Thunlinds lyrics is complicated
even for Swedes :)

Most of my and Jimmys lyrics dosen´t translate very well. They are not
"ordinary" lyrics. They are a bit special..like the music :lol:

Special like the music..... Nice!:lol:
With all seriousness, thanks! I'm sure the translations will not be perfect, but I will try my best. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
It seems to me, when one tries to translate from one language to English something is always lost in the translation. :confused:
I have been attempting to learn Swedish with books and I think it will be quite the task for me to translate all of these lyrics. :goggly: But, I simply must know what is being said in your "hard rocking" songs!:rock::lol:
Special like the music..... Nice!:lol:
With all seriousness, thanks! I'm sure the translations will not be perfect, but I will try my best. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
It seems to me, when one tries to translate from one language to English something is always lost in the translation. :confused:
I have been attempting to learn Swedish with books and I think it will be quite the task for me to translate all of these lyrics. :goggly: But, I simply must know what is being said in your "hard rocking" songs!:rock::lol:

They are not about sex drugs and rock n roll. I can tell you that:)