A question for the man himself....


the real autumnal demon.
Mar 4, 2003
Hey, Dan, I have a few questions....
1. What inspired the original crimson and the subsequent sequel?
2. I've read through the lyrics for Crimson I and I think i understand most of it but i was wondering if you would mind explaining more in depth what the entire story is. (Also, if you could maybe give a brief outline of Crimson II, I'm sure we'd all be very grateful.)
3. And finally, (a la Chris Farley's Saturday Night Live interviews) How did you get to be soooooooo awesome? I mean, God, you're freeking amazing. I though Moontower was great, but this new crimson is like a combination of crimson and moontower....IN THE BEST WAY!

Anyway, I patiently await your response and the ensuing enlightenment.
Stargate ??? Uhmm, ähmmm, how can Stargate inspire anyone to do another thing than going to the refrigerator to get another beer...??? Maybe a enormous extrapolation... bla bla bla...
theboinkbaron said:
Hey, Dan, I have a few questions....
1. What inspired the original crimson and the subsequent sequel?
2. I've read through the lyrics for Crimson I and I think i understand most of it but i was wondering if you would mind explaining more in depth what the entire story is. (Also, if you could maybe give a brief outline of Crimson II, I'm sure we'd all be very grateful.)
3. And finally, (a la Chris Farley's Saturday Night Live interviews) How did you get to be soooooooo awesome? I mean, God, you're freeking amazing. I though Moontower was great, but this new crimson is like a combination of crimson and moontower....IN THE BEST WAY!

Anyway, I patiently await your response and the ensuing enlightenment.

The idea came after watching two movies/TV stuff
RIKET :a Danish/Swedish TV series..really creepy (soon coming from Hollywood I think)
and STARGATE the movie
This is a brief thing I send off in an interview. It might explain a bit. I could also have gotten it all wrong :)
Crimson 1: A long time ago. A race similar to the egyptians (all made up) could not breed. No children were born for ages and they had stopped trying and waiting for their race to die out. Then one day a woman gave birth to a beautiful baby daughter with eyes like the universe. It was evil itself. Brought to earth to finish them off and bring hell on earth. They found out that she/It was weaker when the eyes were covered, but her senses was so strong that noone really got near her before she someone made them fall dead to the ground. Anyway, they eventually, though a lot of humans died, managed to cover her eyes, know her out and place her in a tomb of Crimson water (Fiction: a fluid that would preserve the body forever and never let it die to be reborn. A cage for evil itself) It was locked away in a temple and they secured it and threw away the key.

Crimson II: Thousands of years later. Nuns find a book in a "forbidden" section of their holy library. The book makes her pregnant. A virgin birth later evil itself is reborn, through the nun and through the book. Eventually they get to cover her eyes again and once again seal her fate in the restored crimson tomb.
I became so awesome because I was raised by the most awesome parents and have the most awesome brothers and my family is awesome and all my followers (you included) are A W E S O M E too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great story, Dan :D

I must say Crimson II is the best release of 2003, hands down. Great work. I also noticed you dedicated the album to Chuck Schuldiner (RIP), which is vey cool of you.

Rock on Dan, and bring on Moontower II :wave:
This is awesome. Thanks so much Dan. You've just made my day. I think i just messed my pants.