A question for those in the know...

Since I have plenty of important things to be getting on with, I have spent the past few weeks trying to organise and correctly tag all the mp3s in my music folder. All 80+ gigs of it!

Today, I came to 'P' which of course would include Power Quest's folder! Now, because I'm an obsessive completist I must have every release in there with album art etc. Getting the correct 2001 demo tracks on there was not a problem since I have an original CD but I started to wonder about the 2002 "mp3 download" release, the one with the 'sleeve' that looks like this:


Obviously the original download on mp3.com is long gone and resigned to the annals of the internet, so instead I have constructed the demo myself since I have all the tracks on the other CDs.

What I am wondering is: are the tracks on there from the original demo with ZP on vocals (this is how I have it) or are they a selection of tracks from Wings of Forever with Al on vocals? And are there any differences between the recorded tracks on the original demo and the mp3.com release?

An answer would greatly please my borderline-OCD obsession with file organising. :D
So... I think this answers my question. The first two tracks on the MP3.com release have ZP on vocals and are identical to the ones found on the 2001 demo but the third track, Gates of Tomorrow, would have been remixed and mastered for the Japanese bonus on WoF?
Since the 2002 3 track demo was digital only, it would have become unattainable as soon as it disappeared from mp3.com. I don't suppose it would be worth asking if anybody has the tracks knocking around on their hard drive anywhere?

I can send you a direct 320kbps rip of the 2001 two track demo if you like, Dom. (With permission from Steve of course)
If there's a sacred PQ artefact I think it should stay with Steve, unless there are several for buying or unless ripped tracks can be shared?
Have become very interested in this. Hearing ZP on those demo tracks (cheers again Paul!) is very strange but enjoyable. What's most obvious is how Alessio takes it up a notch considerably on the later recording with his range. ZP goes an octave lower where Alessio easily handles the higher! Anyway I've updated the wiki to include the demo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_Quest but I'm sure there's some missing info if anyone would like to add regarding these early recordings. I'd like to get the 2002 promo (the one with the unicorn) mentioned in there somewhere.