A question for WD or anyone who may know...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
As it's been widely reported, "Enemies of Reality" was/is being remastered. What I'm curious about is, when was the remastering completed? I've read a few reviews on the net, where the reviewer has commented negatively on the production. Does anyone know if the promos that went out were from the original mastering or from the new mastering? Thanks.

yup general the promo cd's are the initial mastering, the final version sounds quite different....
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Hmm, Bathory always had what appeared to be bad production on their albums, and it became much better with the release of Nordland I and II. BUT, the fans complained. With Nevermore, it might be a liitle less than what we're used to. And the fans bitch. What IS good production, and what is the BEST production?
better or worse..*the final version sounds quite different....*
your confusing me like a confused rat in the Morris Water Maze
NoLordy Capone said:
Hmm, Bathory always had what appeared to be bad production on their albums, and it became much better with the release of Nordland I and II. BUT, the fans complained. With Nevermore, it might be a liitle less than what we're used to. And the fans bitch. What IS good production, and what is the BEST production?
the difference is, bathory probably had bad (ya know, muddy, insturment levels not mixed well, etc) production on purpose to add 'atmosphere' or whatever, but nevermore has always had really good (clear, crisp, everything mixed very well) production. minus dead heart which was kinda muddy and the drums didnt sound all that great and the bass was gone, which is what the promo version of EoR sounds like. at least i hope i heard the promo version haha. either way i think i was trying to answer your question by saying that bathory did it on purpose, and the first mix of EoR just sucked.
see WILL, DO YOU SEE????


the promos are the crappy versions