A question from a bassplayer to Tyr


New Metal Member
Apr 20, 2003
fisrt, i'ld like to tell you that you done a very good job in Empiricism...
continue like that !!!

i'm the bassplayer of a french heavy-death metal band, i play for +3 years, only with my three fingers on my five strings bass...

i have a problem with my right hand : i never know where i have to put my thumb... on the pickup ? the B string ?? where ???
could you tell how what do you do, please...

thanks... you rulez !
Well, the way I do it, is that when I play on the B string I have it on the pickup, when I play the E string I have it on the B string , when I play the A string I have it on the E string etc
I do this to minimize the pivot of the wrist ie to keep it as straight as possible at all times. It also gives greater control over the dynamics.
ok thanks...
but dont you loose speed when you change the string on wich you play ?

i'm looking for a 6 strings bass, what advises can you give me (brands, features,...) ?

No, not as far as I've experienced, but it does take practice.

I'm not sure what kind of advice I could give you, other than to visit music-stores and check out the instruments yourself, and read in bass-magazines and look at the various luthiers (Conklin,Neuser,MTD, Zon,Warrior,Tobias,Alembic,Curbow,Modulus,Larrivee,Ken Smith etc) on the internet. I say this because I know nothing about your preferences, and you'd be more well served if you find it out for yourself.

A little tip though, you should check out www.talkbass.com .
i always visit music stores but there isn't any 6 strings there :'(
it was hard for me to find a good 5 strings, so, a 6, imagine ;)

is there a way for me to get an autographied Empiricism booklet ???
i could send it in a letter for you and, once autographied, you send it back to me... is it possible ??? (keep-on dreaming GolGotha...)
write me a e-mail if yes : fred.cm@wanadoo.fr

thanks man ! and keep the groove !
(what about a show in Grenoble (France) with my band as first part ?)