A question/suggestion for Glenn...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey

Have you ever considered asking the bands for their setlists, a few weeks before the show? I think this is a win-win-win situation, and here's why:

The fans win because they can get more familiar with the music that they're actually going to hear at the festival. For instance, I was not at all familiar with Gamma Ray's catalogue before you confirmed their attendance at the festival. Since their catalgue is somewhat large, they are bound to play songs I've never heard or that I'm not that familiar with. If I knew what they were going to play, ahead of time, I could familiarize myself with those songs, and consequently enjoy their performance more.

The bands win because the more familiar the fans are with their catalogue, the greater the fan response, the more they'll enjoy playing. The larger the number of fans actually singing along/getting into a given band's performance, the more energized they will become by the audience, which will most likely translate into a more energized performance and more enjoyable experience for the band and the fans.

You win because the more the fans enjoy the show, and the more the bands enjoy the show, the more likely both are to attend future ProgPower festivals, and the more likely they are to spread positive word of mouth.


I can see your point and I like the idea to an extent. However, it also takes away the element of surprise and anticipation. There was a perfect example last year. The crowd kept yelling "BLEEEEEEEEEEED" between the songs. Dirk teased quite a bit, but never delievered. Then towards the end of the set, the keys hit and the place went nuts.

Agreed. "Bleed" was probably THE highlight of the entire festival for me (and I'm not even a huge AD fan). Although, I think we all knew AD would play it, it was just a matter of when.

I don't think the bands would need to tell you/us the order in which they intended to play the songs, which would still leave some spontenaity. Additionally, for those who prefer to be surprised, you could send out the information in an e-mail (or a post), informing folks not to look if they prefer to be surprised.

Just food for thought. Thanks.

Interesting idea indeed. I know I've been planning on (and have actually done it in one case) looking at some recent setlists of some of the bands, esp. those I'm less familiar with. I don't want to miss out like I did last year, not knowing three bands that wound up being fantastic. The show was still great, but i know I would enjoy it more were I to see it again right now because I'm much more familiar with so many of the bands. besisdes, Superior would have released Ultima Ratio now. ;)

Perhaps everyone can look around, and the bigger fans of particular bands can post what they think is a likely setlist? Not a wishlist--God knows I'd like to see PoS do Remedy Lane almost in its entirety!--but a real, live what you _think_ they'll play. Granted, some bands are more likely to do more of a "greatest hits" thing being in the States for the first time, but I still think this is a good way to get an idea.

I think it's going to be tough to determine what the bands might play. For instance, will Blind Guardian try to give ANATO a big push during this, their first North American tour? Angra has already stated that they will change their setlist for this show, since it's their first NA appearance. I wouldn't be surprised if Gamma Ray also does a set that shows off their entire catalogue, a bit more than if they were playing Germany.

I've already made a cd of some songs Blind Guardian have been playing at recent shows. Not all of those songs are the ones I like best, but am familiarizing myself, just in case. I still don't know much of Angra, but am trying. As long as Gamma Ray plays Rebellion In Dreamland, I'll be happy. Yet, I have worried some of the groups may avoid longer songs, so they can offer more variety.
Gamma Ray practically always starts their shows with the first half of Rebellion and ends the set with the final half of Rebellion..I'd be SHOCKED if they didn't do the same here. Nevermind their current tour, however, as they're playing songs that are hardly ever played.
I've been listening more to some of the Angra stuff and I find a lot of their stuff wimpy versions of what the German bands are doing. The only song I like a lot by Angra is "Speed". Heroes of Sand is okay, but still a weak beginning. I'll hope for the best live though.
I'm listening to the stuff GR is doing on the current dates, the more obscure stuff, just in case.
Originally posted by 97reb
Yet, I have worried some of the groups may avoid longer songs, so they can offer more variety.

yeah, i'd love to see Edguy play Theatre of Salvation, but I seriously doubt they're going to let one song take up a fifth of their alloted time.

Sure, some surprise is good. With a band like Priest with 30 + years of tunes, they could do a different set list 7 nights in one week. I just like to have an idea of what the groups have been playing recently. You can get a feel for what they are up to currently. If they are playing heavier or lighter or from a particular album. Those of us that aren't familiar with all the bands could use a little help getting to know particular songs.
I must agree with Zod's "upshot" of prior knowledge. Last year I was ill prepared for the bands ( because I have been slightly away from the cutting edge of Metal for awhile). I think I could have enjoyed the bands even more had I known their songs better. Some groups it is easy to know their stuff. Okay, two albums, no problem! Okay, 10 albums for 90 minutes. That gets a little different.