A question to SDG


Nature lover
Feb 1, 2010
Överallt och ingenstans
hey Steve, i hope this question dont make you mad or something haha
I love your basslines, and thanks to you i meet a couple years ago one of my fav bands *Vintersorg* so throught these years i learn to admire your basslines in MrV work..so i want to know 2 things if you dont mind to answer:p
1)How was to work with andreas? i remember i read a long time an interview with you talking about all bands you played, and vintersorg was a band you comment something like 'it was the closest band i played similar to death in composition things' so im just curious to know how was your relation with andreas and the process of the composition on the 2 albums you did with him
2) This i think its pretty hard but, in your site you have some tabs of your work with vintersorg..thankfully one of them is The explorer *btw what a beautiful bass solo!* but in my opinion your work in the second album *the focusing blur* was terrific! seriously, beautiful line after beautiful line..so i was wandering if you had some of bass tabs from The focusing blur, i tried to play some but some of bass lines are difficult to me to get by ear so if you had , could you send me? thanks! best wishes
There's a tab for Sharpen your mind tools around. Not the best but a good way to start. Most of time the bass can be heard quite well (there are a lot of solo sections).

I love the 'A sphere in a sphere' chorus bassline!