Does anyone know if the lineup of acts is fixed or not?
If so, if anyone can recall the order of acts, I'd love to know to see if I can afford to get there later and miss some of the shittier acts.
When I went I got there at 3:30 because AA was suppose to play between 4 and 5. The number 12 looks like you was playing when I arrived, oh my good lord uke:
Then AA went on and demolished.
After that I went and stood in line for the signing for an hour and a half so I could meet them first. I think Darkest hour and then Necro played. More uke:
Then Chimiara, then Every time I die. I was about to kill myself by then and left.
For me, it went 2 Cents (they closed with "Raining Blood" and people went nuts), Goatwhroe, the #12 Looks Like You (completely worth missing, but my boyfriend & I sat on the railing through them so we wouldn't lose our spots), HeavyHeavyLowLow (also worth missing. One of their guitarists was wearing boxers or something, and I saw what remained of his cock. It was gross.), the Devil Wears Prada (they weren't as bad as #12 and HHLL, but can also be missed), Darkest Hour (they put on a pretty great show), then Amon Amarth. 4:05-4:35 or something like that. Then they signed at 6:30.