A question to those who attended SOTU..

May 27, 2007
San Francisco. Ca
Does anyone know if the lineup of acts is fixed or not?
If so, if anyone can recall the order of acts, I'd love to know to see if I can afford to get there later and miss some of the shittier acts.

When I went I got there at 3:30 because AA was suppose to play between 4 and 5. The number 12 looks like you was playing when I arrived, oh my good lord :Puke:
Then AA went on and demolished.
After that I went and stood in line for the signing for an hour and a half so I could meet them first. I think Darkest hour and then Necro played. More :Puke:
Then Chimiara, then Every time I die. I was about to kill myself by then and left.
For me, it went 2 Cents (they closed with "Raining Blood" and people went nuts), Goatwhroe, the #12 Looks Like You (completely worth missing, but my boyfriend & I sat on the railing through them so we wouldn't lose our spots), HeavyHeavyLowLow (also worth missing. One of their guitarists was wearing boxers or something, and I saw what remained of his cock. It was gross.), the Devil Wears Prada (they weren't as bad as #12 and HHLL, but can also be missed), Darkest Hour (they put on a pretty great show), then Amon Amarth. :) 4:05-4:35 or something like that. Then they signed at 6:30.