2006 SOTU tour needs your help -

La Rocque

I am that I am
May 22, 2004
an exit to eternal summer slacking
Received this:
The first year of SOTU is complete and we're already looking forward to the 2006 Sounds Of The Underground. Email us back at sotu@ferretstyle.com and let us know what bands you'd like to see on the tour next year.
Keep in mind this is Sounds Of The Underground, we're looking for the best from the worlds of Hardcore, Metal and everything in between.
Here's who played this year: Lamb of God, Opeth, Clutch, Posion the Well, From Autum to Ashes, Unearth, Chimaira, Norma Jean, Every Time I Die, Throwdown, Strapping Young Lad, High on Fire, Madball, Terror, A Life Once Lost, All That Remains, Devildriver, The Red Chord, Full Blown Chaos, The Black Dahlia Murder, Nora, GWAR -
We'd like your email to list 5 bands you'd like to see. Less if fine, but not more please.

Here's my list:
1- Rammstein
2- Dark Tranquillity
3- Byzantine
4- Hatecraft
5- Arcturus

What's Yours?
None of that shit...the bands should just tour individually, so that the good (on that tour, only Opeth and SYL, though I admit there are many I haven't heard) don't have to give stagetime to the bad.
But then it's a US tour anyway so doesn't matter.

For the sake of the thread:
Arcturus (if strangely Vortex becomes too sick to perform and Garm is motivated to do a tour with them)
Carnival In Coal
Nasum (Jesus (our favourite paladin) resurrects Mieszko)

Would be good enough.
I know a tour like this can be very good exposure for bands, but this year there were far too many bands on the bill. It would be nice to see some of my favourite bands get on a big tour like this, but at the same time is a 20 minute set really worth it? Come on - Opeth playing a 4 song set (3 songs in some cities) is just not good enough. IMO next year they should cut the amount of bands (like maybe try doing it with half the amount) and lengthen the set times.

Either way, I can see this tour going even more 'hardcore', which makes me even less interested, but if that is the case I don't see how it will help bands like Dark Tranquillity, Primordial, Therion, Finntroll, and Dismember (which would be a few of my choices IF the tour was actually any good next year). :)
I'm all the way here and the tour is all the way there, but anyway i'll vote, i don't care:

Dark Tranquillity
TheFourthHorseman said:
For the sake of the thread:
Arcturus (if strangely Vortex becomes too sick to perform and Garm is motivated to do a tour with them)
Carnival In Coal
Nasum (Jesus (our favourite paladin) resurrects Mieszko)

Would be good enough.

well a second solefald-tour would be one of my last wishes for this earth:cry:
and yeah COC is really cool.
arcturus are gonna play here in munich next week.18€uros. I dont know yet if to go...
They've only been on one tour then, what album was that after? Yes, I would quite love it as well, although I'm sure Finnish promoters would be too stupid to get them here.

Psst: It's CiC, not CoC.
Phyrexia said:
Either way, I can see this tour going even more 'hardcore', which makes me even less interested, but if that is the case I don't see how it will help bands like Dark Tranquillity, Primordial, Therion, Finntroll, and Dismember (which would be a few of my choices IF the tour was actually any good next year). :)

FYI, Primordial will be playing at the Heathen Crusade Metalfest in Minneapolis in January, along with Moonsorrow, Thyrfing, and some others.
Phyrexia said:
Dont know if you've heard about this yet:

I considered going, but Woods of Ypres is the only band that I haven't already seen that I'd want to see, and I'm broke at the moment and my friend's wedding is the following day, so I just couldn't swing it.
Woah, Thyrfing and Moonsorrow in one gig.. Im not too much into Primordial but Id go see them too.. I wish I could go :(
TheFourthHorseman said:
Arcturus (if strangely Vortex becomes too sick to perform and Garm is motivated to do a tour with them)

there's nothing wrong with Vortex, you know. and who is this Garm person you're talking about, do you mean Trickster-G?

TheFourthHorseman said:
Nasum (Jesus (our favourite paladin) resurrects Mieszko)


I guess my list would go something like :

My Dying Bride

only because I've never seen any of them
Hitori said:
there's nothing wrong with Vortex, you know. and who is this Garm person you're talking about, do you mean Trickster-G?
Is that supposed to be a joke? Well, anyhow, I'm much more comfortable with calling him Garm, rather than Trickster-G. The name has stuck with me, maybe because all the SOT people call him Garm...I don't know when he stopped using that nickname himself, maybe after Themes or so?
Vortex's voice is a bit too nasal for me generally, though he does do some nice things on the new album. It's just that I definitely wouldn't be as interested in seeing them live with Vortex as with Garm (not that it's ever going to happen, but still). And anyway I accompany Vortex with the new album's music too, which isn't that great either. Vortex sounded the best on The Chaos Path (and Painting My Horror, of course), I guess that says it all.

Np: Solefald - The USA Don't Exist
yes ... I must be losing my touch :(
and Vortex's ok. The best part of Dimmu Borgir live, at least. But yeah I'd rather see them with Garm.
Horseman, you remind me that the new Solefald is out and I still dont have it! What a shame! :mad:

And to that Arcturus thing: yeah, Vortex had his marvellous moments on La Masquerade..., but on the whole its Garm whos the better.
Here are my 5:
Dark Tranquillity
In Flames

I would like to see 10 bands max on the festival
1. Dark Tranquillity
2. Devin Townsend Band/SYL
3. Dimmu Borgir
4. Gojira
5. Opeth