Hungarian Black Metal


Active Member
Jan 15, 2008
The Ivory Tower
As of late, I've been really impressed by the work of acts like Sear Bliss and Bornholm. I'm not sure if this sound permeates the Hungarian scene, but I'm interested to know if there are any other acts that are similar to these ones; or, for that matter, any other good Hungarian black metal bands at all.

The scene is hardly sparse, but many of the bands seem to be extremely unknown and haven't released a single record or demo. If anyone has anything to recommend, specifically acts that resemble Sear Bliss and/or Bornholm, that would be awesome. Thanks in advance!
Marblebog - Forestheart

I am very sad he ended the project, though. He ruled. I am also wearing my Marblebog shirt right now. I HIGHLY recommend the above album.
My all-time favourite black metal band from my country is TYMAH. It's female fronted, I could imagine this putting some people off, but listen to this song first.
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