Hungarian metal bands

@Eternal: no, ive never heard about Plasma Pool so far..

@Onde: Ossian and Pokolgep is still active.. though i havent heard about Rotor for years now..
but i dont think u can order their albums online....

@metu: thanks for your comments :)
My pleasure.

What do you know of Mood and/or Wall of Sleep? They're both listed as old school doom with heavy Sabbath influences. As you may have guessed, I'm a bit of a Sabbath fan.

I read that Mood is disbanded, but Wall of Sleep, named after one hell of a tune, is pretty new.
Mocika, do you know where I can find a picture of my favorite flag of all time?

You know the one I mean. It's got a big ol' hole in the midde. Holy balls! Power to the People!

The language isn't called Hungarian, right? Isn't it called Magyar... or something like that?

Where do you go to see metal shows? Is Budapest the main area? Are there countryside scenes into which you've looked? How many people show up to what kind of shows?
Most of the foreign bands are coming to Budapest but sometimes they are coming to other towns, for example Hypnos next week is going to play in Pecs and Iron Maiden is going to Debrecen. It depends on the organizers but 90% the gigs take place in Budapest.
how many ppl are showing up... hm... changing... for Marduk-Immolation appr 800ppl came, while to the Dead Soul Tribe gig it was only 130ppl, Ancient was seen by 70ppl but Anthrax attracted more than 5000 ... so its really changing.

You are right, Hungarian is the English word for Magyar :) and we call our little country Magyarország :)

flag pics: will lett u know if i find any..
That's a good interview. It seems like my kind of band.

Any news about the Magyar scene? Any shows you feel like mentioning? Any new releases? Please forgive me for not reading back through everything, but is Sear Bliss still going strong?

I hope this isn't too off topic, but I was wondering what religion the Magyars held before Cotholicism came to dominate. Are there any bands which tap into that angle of your history? Also, I wonder how the church, and the masses, deal with the metal music.

Oh, and I learned that Hungary is old German for "Huns are coming."
First of all, right on OP. I would love to see them live. I bet they've got a good thick sound in a small venue.

Satt, I suggest that you read and absorb the last three pages of discussion, listen to the bands discussed and think about the sound. Then, come up with more specific questions. Micika seems very happy to help spread the word about Hungarian metal.