A quick little review I wrote for GWC

Here is the review if you do not feel like clicking on the link- Cool job man, very nice. The people who undeniably love the bands are the ones who personally write the best reviews!! --

You know, sometimes the major record labels and MTV try to give you the impression that they actually do feature bands and "artists" based solely opn talent, and not on image or potential profit. One listen to this album completely destroys that theory and reveals it to be complete bullshit. Because if that were the case, the guys in Vehemence would be millionaires. But sadly, that is not the case, and this band is going to remain in underground obscurity, only to be discovered by the few people who actually know what talent is. But enough Lamenting, on to the actual review. Basically, this album is amazing. The members of Vehemence have created a unique blend of Brutal and melodic death metal(Whether they created or perfected it, I'm not sure, but I've never heard a band play this style before), and have done an amazing job doing so. The guitars are both crushing and beautiful at the same time, like something you want to hum along while headbanging till you break your neck. The drums are flawless: snappy, fast, clean, everything metal drumming should be. And the vocals, well, the vocals are hard to describe in typed words. you have to hear how truly disturbing Nate Gearhardt can be. Lyrically, this album seems also to be a perfect blend of Brutal, Cannibal Corpse-like lyrics and Gothenburg-style tales of depression and lonliness. God Was Created is actually a concept album that plays out like the most disturbing horror movie you will ever see. I can't even begin to describe the lyrical content in depth, but let's just say that I've been listening to death metal for years, and this is the first album that ever really scared the bejesus outta me. I won't go into song-by-song reviews, because this review is already hella long, but I will say that the centerpiece and the highlight of this album would have to be Christ, I Fucking Hate You! If Only for the riff that kicks in around 0:17. Coolest. Riff. Ever. so go. Go now. Listen to this album, drink beer, headbang(not at the same time, jackass), and enjoy. This is death metal, and you will love it.
Yes that review is on our website I think. Once again I like it when reviewers dissect our stuff like that.

No offense dude, but I wrote that like 12 hours ago and posted it on the site. And I really hope I didn't completely(and unintentionally) rip off someone elses review. That all came outta the old noggin in about ten minutes while I was listening to the album.

And did you really like it, or was that sarcasm? Please let it not be sarcasm. I can't handle criticism!!!!!:loco:
Sorry bout that, but your site was down and I couldn't remember exactly how to spell Nate's name. Spelling the band's name wrong, well, I guess I experienced a moment of dumbassery:p
FuckYouIWantToDie said:
yeah man, thanks for the great review! Its cool to know that our music made an impact on you, and we are very grateful!

Yeah, it impacted me, cuz I'd been trying to write music like that for about a year before I even heard you guys, and yeah, you did it a lot better than I could:p
christcrusher said:
Well, keep on trucking though! Don't give up, keep trying to write to the best of your ability and you might come up with some killer material!



Ohh, I am. Believe me, I am. Though most of the stuff I'm writing these days is more thrash then death, but it's still Metal as fuck:p
plfffffft said:
Yeah, it impacted me, cuz I'd been trying to write music like that for about a year before I even heard you guys, and yeah, you did it a lot better than I could:p

If GWC impacted you this much, Helping The World To See is going to knock you flat on your ass. I heard their demo, and immediately ran to the bathroom to recover from the fatal blow.

As for writing music like they do, I don't think it's humanly possible, infact, i don't think they are actually mortal. I've been trying a long time, and I just keep fallin' short, as much as what I write kicks ass, they still kick 30 times more ass than I do. (underexagerating)
Awesome. If there's one thing I've learned, its that if you can avoid "The sophomore album curse" then it will definitely kick ass, much more ass than the first(yeah, I know GWC is technically the second album, but I'm going by label releases). Just look at albums like Ride the Lightning, The Jester Race, The Gallery, and Blessed Are the Sick.
You know, I recently discovered this album (3 1/2 months ago) and I agree wholeheartedly with everyone who praises this band. Vehemence literally changed my perception of how brutality and melody could be fused. I am addicted to GWC and must listen to it at least 3-4 times a week. It is by far the most listened to "death metal" album in my collection.

I'm new to posting here, so I hope I'm welcome.

To the band, if you're reading this, you guys are awe-inspiring.... I've bought 2 copies of GWC since getting my own just to give as gifts...