A quick question....


Apr 14, 2001
* I love Digimortal by Fear Factory, noone else here likes it at all....

* I love Slipknot, noone else here does (except maybe Spiffy)....

* I think God Hates Us All by Slayer is a masterpiece and one of the best albums ever, but noone here likes it much at all....

* I prefer to listen to Rock In Rio over Live After Death, but noone else here does....

* I greatly disliked Attack Of The Clones, everyone here loved it....

* I think Rust In Piece is overrated (though still great) and CTE is Megadeths best album, but noone else here does....

So this of course begs the question, whats wrong with all of you? :) ;)
Originally posted by spawn
* I prefer to listen to Rock In Rio over Live After Death, but noone else here does....

* So this of course begs the question, whats wrong with all of you? :) ;) [/B]

I prefer Rock in Rio myself.....if we listed the things wrong with you Spawny we may take too much space;) :p :lol:
Unparalleled, inimitable, unique, original, creative, inventive, uncommon, rare, novel, unprecedented, extraordinary, azygous, diverse. I am all that and more :D
You are, of course, entitled to your own thoughts and opinions on things. Who cares if they're wrong? :D
I'm glad you can make up your own mind about what you like and not follow along with everyone else. But I also believe that you actually enjoy being contrary. :D

So let me clear up some of your points:

I don't dislike Digimortal, I just think it's weak compared to the rest of their catalogue. My preferences are for heavier and deathier sounds, which you don't like.

Slipknot annoy me. They give people a false impression about heavy metal, they're gimmicky and their music is unspectacular.

God Hates Us All is good, but by no means do I think it's their best album.

I haven't heard Rock in Rio, but I grew up with Live After Death and even if I think Rock in Rio may be better once I've heard it, Live After Death will still be my favourite.

Attack of the Clones was great, but flawed. The acting was terrible and the romantic subplot was awkward to say the least.

Rust in Peace is better than Countdown to Extinction, but I think it has more to do with production standards than the material itself.

I think Obselete and Digimortal are Fear Factorys best by miles, though I dont own Soul Of A New Machine (yet!) but from the tracks ive heard I wont think its their best!

About Live After Death, its not that I think its bad by any means, I just prefer RIR because it sounds like a live album and not Iron Maiden playing to 3 people :) Thats 3 of us that prefer RIR, the same number as the crowd in LAD!

You nailed AOTCs faults, so we sorta agree there :D

I thought CTE was WAY better produced than RIP! Ah well, back to my thesaurus ;)
Originally posted by spawn
* I love Digimortal by Fear Factory, noone else here likes it at all....
Thats cos it's a really crap album,

Originally posted by spawn

* I love Slipknot, noone else here does (except maybe Spiffy)....
Thats cos of their great lyrical genius(fuck it al,fuck this worl,fuck your mum etc etc)
:lol: did anyone see the Slipknot ripoff on John Saffran's last night?? fuck that was funny.

Originally posted by spawn

* I think God Hates Us All by Slayer is a masterpiece and one of the best albums ever, but noone here likes it much at all....
I much prefer there first cd "diablous in musica" ;)
Originally posted by spawn

* I prefer to listen to Rock In Rio over Live After Death, but noone else here does....
I do as well.

Originally posted by spawn

* I greatly disliked Attack Of The Clones, everyone here loved it....
I didn't waste my time seeing it, SPiderman's crap cos it doesn't have Venom or Carnage, I mean cmon,the green goblin is fucking gay,who likes him?? not me.

Originally posted by spawn

* I think Rust In Piece is overrated (though still great) and CTE is Megadeths best album, but noone else here does....

Who cares,Megadeth suck ;)
Originally posted by spawn

So this of course begs the question, whats wrong with all of you? :) ;)

I'm Hungry and poor.
Everyone knows Venom and Carnage are the coolest Spidey villains :headbang: The Green Goblin is only famous because he killed Gwen Stacy!

Right, let me change that Rio one now to read "Everyone here like RIR over LAD" :D

Diabolus is good too ;)
I like God Hates Us All. :)
I thought Attack Of the Clones was quite hilarious.
I don't think it was meant to be a comedy.. but it sure was! It was bad, but I enjoyed it anyway.
Stupid how it 'borrowed' all it's biggest scenes from other movies - The Fifth Element, Gladiator, Space Balls.