
The best album of the year and maybe for the next years too is done...Arcturus have created another piece of total art, atmosphere, darkness, insanity and madness...

Music that can't be put under descriptions or styles...Music way beyond thought and imagination...

Pure art...that not everyone can get...can u travel through the dark???
wow,I knew they were to release an album sometime but I hadn't heard anything else for a long time...so it's ready?I'm a big fan of La Masquerade Infernale,is it any close to this one or totally different again?I know you're an mp3 freak so I guess it's not out yet...if so,when will it be released?
i have listened to the mp3 sample at theendrecords... GREAT! but i liked the winds sample even more... ah shit, i'll purchase it anyway.
first listen ...then judge...

is it too strange for your ears baby?? :p
I ve been registered since the beginning...this iste is going down hill, I have to log in everytime i get here now, I try the auto log option, but it doesnt work for me anymore......

Good to see ya here my friend.
Originally posted by Troyanasy
I have the same problem logging in .WE NEED A FIX
Yeah, whats up with that....I dont have to log in everytime i get here. How long has this been happenin to you? Its been going on for a couple weeks for me.

I have cookies..........??????????
Yeah man, playin everyday. Im working on some cathedral and death right now. I have been going back over 7TOG.....I love that song.

I now have a complete band....The singer and i found a guy who plays rythem and bass, but he had no bass, He found a drummer who has a bass hahaha....we are in !!!!!!

Teh singer(Ron) and i have gotten together twice, once with rythem player(Robert). This comeing SUNDAY will be teh try out for the drummer.i cant fucking wait
Originally posted by alexseretis
first listen ...then judge...

is it too strange for your ears baby?? :p

I have heard it 6 times. It is very good but its not exactly leaping at me from the speakers. Now go fuck off with those kind of comments.
i really feel offended right now!!

too bad you r not really intelligent to tell a masterpiece from a just ok album...

kisses baby...
Originally posted by alexseretis
i really feel offended right now!!

too bad you r not really intelligent to tell a masterpiece from a just ok album...

kisses baby...


that baby stuff and his name(at the gates) reminds me of some little kid behind one of those safety gates hahaha, waiting for MOMA to kiss his little hurt.........hahahahahahaha

so.....is this going to be a flame war? Between you 2? I think its high time you guys got it on. I say this due to the SMILIE you put on the end of your message that PISSED him off. I think you would WIN.

not war here! lol
just teasing some people a bit...but not everyone is in a mood for that! too bad some people take everything seriously...

but the album is a total masterpiece!