A Red Shift Review...

you feel as if your soul is being sucked out and devoured while listening to Red Shift

uhmmmm well maybe the reviewer was a bit enthusiastic, but well it's nice to see that somebody still feels music that way ;)

now what catched my eye was this thing about Dark Tranquillity...I think I would have never matched the two bands, not even for keyboards...

...am I the only one who thinks that way?????

fv (who has never felt his soul sucked...maybe a bit shaken, but not sucked :p )
FV,nope nope you're not the only one....I also fail to see the similarity between the Asgaroth keyboards and the DarkTranq keyboards.The first appear somehow darker than the latter,which are somehow more "cheerfull",energetic,dynamic,put it as you wish.Moreover,to my ears the Asgaroth keyboards intend to create atmosphere and a certain feeling to the songs,while the DT ones probably intend to add something more to the song,not to "build" a song if you udnerstand what i'm trying to say......

bubu,i talk a lot today :grin:
a z g a r o z

~mel~ (saludos al país del mighty chorizo :p )
I guess the point is just on that "energetic" way both bands use to unfold in their songs. The reviewer is probably talking about the fact that neither Asgaroth, nor DT are agressive death metal bands. Otherwise, I fail to see any similarity between both bands. :confused: Growling? A red haired drummer? No, I don't think so... :grin:

@Mel: Let me say, in the most polite way I know... josjisjosjisjsojsijssjsosisojsis, chorizo country powah, josjosjossjosjisjs. [/EDIT]

|ng (Guessing...)