A retread on an old topic


fruit of failure's loins
Feb 28, 2006
I found this interesting... From an interview with Necrophobic.

You guys seem to be pretty Anti-Christian... I think we can all agree Christianity is a pretty flawed religion that many black metal bands speak out against: What got you guys started on your journey against Christianity?

I guess that if we were from Iran we would be Anti-Islam. We live in a christian part of the world and get bothered by the problems that this cause. I prefere to say that Necrophobic are Anti-religious since we don´t agree with any of them. Religion has to much inluence on politics and society in these times when people should know better. Theres a lot stupid rules wich people accept in fear of insulting the church. I don´t think religios people should earn any respect just cause they are religious.
I think the big thing to infer from that statement is the guy doesn't think Islam has much effect on his life or Swedish/European politics right now.

It's been too long since I've seen any Necrophobic lyrics... do anti-religious themes come across articulate and principled, or just rar rar Satan die god stuff?