Organized Religion

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Something in My Eye
Jan 12, 2009
Xorv got me sparked in a religious discussion in another thread, so I decided to see what everyone else here on UM thinks about Organized Religion (Christianity in particular)

Obviously I'm not expecting many (if any) pro-Christian responses due to the popularity of Black Metal here..but it would be fun to see how far anti-religion you guys are

I personally think that all organized religion should be banished. To think that a book written by humans who did not even 1/100,000th of what we know today about how the world works, are supposed to have known the entire creation of Earth and included bindings on the humans with superficial codes and laws. It's the biggest lie in the history of mankind, and it needs to be exposed. Frankly I am scared of the fact that there still are religious people out there, WAKE UP! Then again I see religion as no different than pop music..people who follow it are sheep and know nothing better than to do what they are told and follow the rest of the herd....
I personally think that all organized religion should be banished. To think that a book written by humans who did not even 1/100,000th of what we know today about how the world works, are supposed to have known the entire creation of Earth and included bindings on the humans with superficial codes and laws. It's the biggest lie in the history of mankind, and it needs to be exposed. Frankly I am scared of the fact that there still are religious people out there, WAKE UP! Then again I see religion as no different than pop music..people who follow it are sheep and know nothing better than to do what they are told and follow the rest of the herd....

Wow, those are such original thoughts to have on a metal forum!
This probably doesn't sit right with most of you "pagan roots omg"-people, but I'm of the opinion that Christianity has shaped mankind for the better through the centuries. It has given us values and moral codes which I consider to be healthy, and pretty much all of you (from the western world at least) are much more influenced by Christianity than you would like to think. That doesn't mean that I think we need religion today however. I think of it as an orange which has fed and nurtured us, and the present day Christianity is only the shell that is left, you know, represented by morons who talk literally about bearded men in the sky and all that. We have taken all we need from it, but it is about time we move on now. We don't need it any longer, but I'm glad that it has existed.
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