A Robot playing an acoustic guitar.

Same problem as programmed drums. Sounds too perfect. Just listen to the speed of some of those runs with all that clarity, while it might be nice to some people I thought it was like listening to a guitar pro file.
This highlights it again for me. The humans try to strive to be robots and robots we strive to make them more human. Human ears like nuances and fuck ups, that way we can tell people their playing is shit :D
Wow, that´s actually very beautiful! I can imagine fancy bars using robots musicians for the background music.
But on the other hand, we all watched Matrix, Terminator and we know where this whole thing is going LOL
I'm sorry, is there a point in this video where we actually get to see the robot playing the acoustic? Not like I'm doubting it, but goddammit, that's the biggest blue-balling maneuver ever :lol:

EDIT: Fuck yeah, just watched iekobrid's vid - not what I expected, but freakin' wild all the same!
You should check out, "Captured By Robots"

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If these guys spent half the time needed for this project in actually learning to play guitar...
Isn't that Flamenco Diablo by Yngwie Malmsteen?

There's probably some joke here about it exterminating mankind after being offered donuts but to be honest I'm more impressed by the irony of a guitar playing robot covering a song by one of the world's most robotic guitarists.

but seriously... how would anyone benefit from a machine playing guitar?

Someone who either cannot play a song that the person hears in his mind on guitar, but wants to have it available for everyone to hear. Or a musician who has lost his hands in an accident. Or someone trying something completely new, and writing music that is impossible for a human to play, but possible for a robot - something interesting could become of it :kickass: