A sign from the Providence!


Of Fury and Tranquillity
Oct 14, 2001
Montréal, Québec
This is a very special moment for me. I'm about to see Dark Tranquillity live for the first time of my life. Needless to say that I'm really excited.

I live in Montréal, Québec (French Canada) and they won't come to this land but me and 6 of my friends are coming to Providence, RI to see the gig (the nearest place to me). So I'll see DT live during a trip atmosphere!! hehe!

So after my numerous Gothenburg beers with the guys, the Providence showed me the next step!

So, who'll be at this gig!? (and look for those crazy frenchies!)

And does someone know something about the venue, Lupo's?
Maybe someone should post a "I'm an american, and I'm seeing DT <--- If this is you post here" thread?
We've all seen what happened to IF board when they started touring the US/Canada. Every goddamn hour there's a new thread started by some jackass, who thinks we all care about him seeing the band. No offence to you though Fury, that comment was aimed at the IF board.

you know what else, Ormir? nobody cares that you don't care.

and here's a better thread idea: "I'm Finnish, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

or thess one for all your friends:

"I'm Swedish, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Norwegian, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Danish, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm German, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm French, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Canadian, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Mexican, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Cuban, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Greek, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Italian, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Polish, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Saudi, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Iraqi, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Iranian, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Turkish, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Pakistani, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Chinese, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Korean, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Japanese, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm American, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm RETARDED, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

How about 'I'm confused, and I HATE it when the monkey turns the dial!' < If this is you post here...
Oh and I don't like providence...providence made Cromwell cut Charles I's head off :rolleyes:
whew, relax. when and if dozens of threads about the american tour pop up, i'll cut down their number redirecting them all to some american tour thread or other.

as for the all-out countries war, what about "i'm american and i think the rest of the world is out to get me <--- if this is you post here"? :p jeez, i don't really hate americans and i wouldn't tolerate a "i'm a terrorist and i hate americans" thread. ;)

Don't forget to visit H.P. Lovecraft's grave while you're in Providence.

I'm obsessed with sneaking around graveyards everytime I visit new places <-- If this isn't you, forget what I just said
How about, I'm American, and I will fuck all of you up.<If this is you, post here.

You guys really take advantage of America's poor source of music. We respect you guys for your countrys music, but as far as im concerned, if the Finn's are all like you, Finland sucks cock.
@wildfyr: Italians, turkish, greek... and where are the catalans?!?!? We hate the americans as well as the others!!! :mad:

Btw: I wonder how a mexican can hate himself. They're americans, after all. :D

|ngenius (The punisher of the catalans)
if the Finn's are all like you, Finland sucks cock.
What the hell did I say? All of you seem to re-interpret my text to make it seem like I'm flaming you :rolleyes: I think I brought out a valid point.

Maybe someone should post a "I'm an american, and I'm seeing DT <--- If this is you post here" thread?
This was a valid point in my opinion. On this forum, we tend to prize the fact that we don't get lots of threads with the same subject, and it's been a tradition to group them all in the same place. How was this flaming in any way?

We've all seen what happened to IF board when they started touring the US/Canada. Every goddamn hour there's a new thread started by some jackass, who thinks we all care about him seeing the band.
Is someone denying this? I don't think it's good protocol for 12 post users to start copnstantly new tour threads, especially when these tend to include no relevant information whatsoever. These could, and should be posted on the same thread.

I did some calculating. On the first two pages of the IF forum, there are 15 threads explicitly about individual gigs (out of 60, that's 25%). The average reply amount was 5.93, Six threads had no replys at all. This isn't even the most active time, in one period there were many more of these threads. Are you claiming this is not disruptive at all? Am I an anti-american "cock" for pointing this out?

you know what else, Ormir? nobody cares that you don't care.
I made a constructive suggestion (about grouping the threads) and gave an obvious reason for why this should be done. I wasn't simply whining. Unlike you. And where did you get the picture that I hate americans? Or is that just a suitable excuse to flame me?
@ormir: i think you've made all valid points. maybe your tone suggested to some that you were being a bit unpleasant towards fury or any other american who cared to tell the world he/she was happy because he/she had seen the band, and this although you said you weren't flaming him. i'm sure your explanations dissolved any doubt now.

I'm very much with Ormir in this - and no, this has nothing to do with my admitted anti-americanism - making new threads about a subject already handled in other threads is waste, no matter which country the poster is from. And I see no reason whatsoever for Fury to feel offended, all he got was a rather neutral suggestion that posts about the very same subject should be on one thread.

I'd say Samarkol, Wildfyr and Iron-Flames should take a deep look into a mirror, before taking offense from such fully relevant and non-insulting topics raised.

I agree with both Ormir and Villain, not only cos they are my country men, but cos Wildfyr was the one who started this stupid flaming, with no reason, what so ever. Ormir didn't say one word about hating americans, he pointed mainly at the tour threads.
Just cos a thread has the word american in it doesn't mean we are posting hate messages.
Someone here really needs to take of those red-white-blue shades off and see what the hell is going on.
(and yes, that was a flame towards Wildfyr only, not americans).

maybe next time before you post you could perhaps think why americans are not liked much here, then if you still feel like flaming someone for no reason, don't be surprised by the lack of respect you get.
whoa, I didn't think that I would start such a controversity. But no, I don't feel offended, that's true, I been to IF board at the time it went down.

I even though "maybe I should post this in the roll call for american tour", but I didn't.

But I don't feel guilty for what I've done. (hehe, the Damage's done!) And I would like to see my Euro fellows if the situation was reversed, you'd be excited.

Now come on, let's get over it.
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja

maybe next time before you post you could perhaps think why americans are not liked much here,

This proves my point but please tell me why anyway.

then if you still feel like flaming someone for no reason, don't be surprised by the lack of respect you get.

you're right. no reason in this thread, but i could copy and paste the sentiments from several other threads...from UM and the Ezboard.

i saw Ormir's and Villain's responses before I left for the office this morning, I'm on lunch at the office now and don't have a whole bunch of time to respond to everyone. hopefully i will later.

i've witnessed this before, guys. when In Flames started gaining attention in the U.S. just before their first North American appearance at Milwaukee Metalfest XIII, some of the old fans back home in European hated US because so many of us started posting at Graveland...even Sven said there were too many Americans on the board.

I'm sick of hearing you assholes complain about us, alright?

Can I speak my mind here or not?
Back to the original point....I'll be at the Providence gig, and Lupos is a shithole. Although they somehow manage to get big name acts there(Fear Factory, Soulfly, Hatebreed). It a strange setup. Imagine a long rectangular room, but imagine the stage right in the center, against the side wall. So there's maybe 20 feet of room in front of the stage, and a lot of room flanking the stage on both sides. There's also a balcony. All general admission. But they do sell pizza! The acoustics are pretty good. Anyone know who'll be opening up the show, DT or Sentenced?
Originally posted by wildfyr
This proves my point but please tell me why anyway.

I think you did when you posted the first thing.
Just a bit self-centered aren't we, not everything is about you and your stupid country.

you're right. no reason in this thread, but i could copy and paste the sentiments from several other threads...from UM and the Ezboard.

Go spam them, you moron.
If you feel every thread will turn to 'I hate America' then why do you even bother trying to tell us otherwise, this thread had nothing to do with america, except the fact that DT did a show there.
I wonder if I should start flaming every thread that mentions anything about Finland with the stupid shit you posted (of course using Finland instead of america), see how long I would get away with it.

i've witnessed this before, guys. when In Flames started gaining attention in the U.S. just before their first North American appearance at Milwaukee Metalfest XIII, some of the old fans back home in European hated US because so many of us started posting at Graveland...even Sven said there were too many Americans on the board.

Again, this had NOTHING to do with america, this thread was about Fury starting a TOUR thread, the place doesn't fucking matter, Ormir would have posted the same response I am sure of it, the reason was we don't want 100000 tour threads here, 1 is enough.

I'm sick of hearing you assholes complain about us, alright?

No, it's not alright, you stupid, ignorant moron, we were not complaining about americans, I am sure most of us don't give a flying fuck what you do.
Of course now we are, since you took this whole fucking thing totally out of content, seems like the american way.

Can I speak my mind here or not?

As long as you know what the hell is being talked about first, how about learning to read first, huh?
Originally posted by Fury
But I don't feel guilty for what I've done. (hehe, the Damage's done!) And I would like to see my Euro fellows if the situation was reversed, you'd be excited.

Very true - and having someone tell us to try to keep our calm with it would really be needed to keep the spamming on the board at tolerable levels.

There's no need for you to feel quilty, Fury (welcome back, btw!) - the next guy to make a new thread about the same topic should however, now that the issue has been already touched.

Originally posted by wildfyr

you know what else, Ormir? nobody cares that you don't care.

and here's a better thread idea: "I'm Finnish, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

or thess one for all your friends:

"I'm Swedish, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Norwegian, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Danish, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm German, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm French, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Canadian, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Mexican, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Cuban, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Greek, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Italian, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Polish, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Saudi, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Iraqi, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Iranian, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Turkish, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Pakistani, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Chinese, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Korean, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm Japanese, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm American, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here

"I'm RETARDED, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here



Im a Misanthrope ( but not THE Misanthrope )<---If this is you post here.