Ormir: No offense to you though Fury, that comment was aimed at the IF board.
oh sure, no offense to Fury (a long-standing member of DT forums). no offense to those in the clique is more like it. had it been myself, or perhaps another person who hasn't posted here
very long, would the offense apply? i'm betting it would.
also, something i should have asked before, why direct a comment to the IF board from here?
when and if dozens of threads about the american tour pop up, i'll cut down their number redirecting them all to some american tour thread or other.
oh my yes, by all means let the anal retentiveness continue. it's "tradition" here! don't worry though, rahvin, i know my opinion on the matter is not shared by the majority of the group, so i'll live with it.
and you're right, this has been building up for a while.
Italians, turkish, greek...and where are the catalans?!?!? We hate the americans as well as the others!!!
sorry my silicon frien...err..enemy. several other places were not represented in my example either, so please don't feel slighted. here ya go:
"I'm Catalan, and I HATE Americans" <--- If this is you post here
Btw: I wonder how a mexican can hate himself. They're americans, after all
ehm, perhaps you should run a diagnostic check on your optics system. your scanner seems to have overlooked the second to last entry in my original post response.

that's ok though, it happens to me too from time to time.
Ormir: I think I brought out a valid point
yes, Your Anal-ness. a valid point for this group indeed.

now, how about admitting that you also saw another opportunity to fling shit at us again. hmm?
oh and by the way, you don't see shit-flinging from us when any (or too many) European or Japanese show review threads when they happen, do you? let's be honest here, you guys hate, err...don't like us much simply because of where we live. if your answer to that is no, then let me just convey that that's the impression i get when i come here. it seems it doesn't matter who we are as individuals, or that some of us may disagree with some of our own government's policies, we're all just "fuckin' americans" to you.
I don't think it's good protocol for 12 post users to start copnstantly new tour threads, especially when these tend to include no relevent information whatsoever.
what is and is not relevant is subjective. just because it's not relevent to YOU, doesn't make it irrelevant.
I did some calculating. On the first two pages of the IF forum, there are 15 threads explicitly about individual gigs (out of 60, that's 25%). The average reply amount was 5.93,
Six threads had no replys at all. This isn't even the most active time, in one period there were many more fo these threads. Are you claiming this is not disruptive at all? Am I an anti-american "cock" for pointing this out.

yes, Your Anti-American "Cock" Anal-ness. And no, i don't find numerous threads "disruptive". in fact i prefer them to scrolling through large threads to find my relevant portion. i'd rather surf a few index pages for familiar subject titles and thread authors. personally i think thread consolidation sucks, and it sucks seeing the same old thread topics day in and day out until one of you compartmentalizing squirrels come up with new subjects.
Every goddamn hour there's a new thread started by some jackass, who thinks we all care about him seeing the band.
looks like whining to me. also, your calculations from above are all regarding review posts of American In Flames gigs. sorry, but i'm not blind to your conscious or unconscious implications there.
rahvin: @Ormir: i think you've made all valid points. maybe your tone suggested
to some that you were being a bit unpleasant towards fury or any other american who cared to tell the world he/she was happy because he/she had seen the band, and this although you said you weren't flaming him. i'm sure your explanations dissolved any doubt now.

you are such a wuss. ;-)
Villain: I'd say Samarkol, Wildfyr and Iron-Flames should take a deep look into a mirror, before taking offense from such fully relevant and non-insulting topics raised.
ah yes, the relevance issue. i see that the opposing side of this argument wants to divert attention to the relevance issue. probably to shift attention away from the "non-insulting" issue? my gut feeling says yes. i'm sorry you dislike us so much, Villain, but it's very difficult (for me anyway) not to take issue personally. a lot of things here i read here i find insulting, whether they're written or oh so cleverly implied. i regret upsetting your
Ivory Tower palace. i could have exploded a lot sooner than this and i've tried to inject some humor or laugh things off instead of countering your insults with flames. i've bitten down hard on the bullet a number of times trying not to go ballistic your asses.

but ya know, that count to ten and take a deep breath method, well, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.
anyway, it doesn't matter to me if i'm personally despised here now for tossing this shit back at you guys. generally i like participating here at this forum even though i find it to house
the greatest collective anal rententiveness ever!

i really like reading your posts...when you're not bashing us of course. c'mon! you're Dr. Tranquillity, a bastion of DT knowledge! for the most part i like reading Ormir's and phyre's posts too--again when they're not flaming us. but you guys keep doing it! you're like fucking Harpies AND I GET PISSED!...GODDAMIT!! <--- (in Carlin mode

). c'mon man, the common element among us is DARK TRANQUILLITY, not some greedy jackass politicians, corporate execs, or religious leaders. and even if
they (DT, IF, and Sentenced) hate us too, well, then so be it i guess. let
them come and take our money if that's all they care about. they'd just better give us one hell of an awesome performance in return.
my life philosophy as of now is this: as long as i have a job that supports me, ie, i have a shelter, food to eat, a few habitual indulgence-type things like music, etc, ;-) i'm happy. i don't think i really need to climb the ladder of success anymore. i'm not that ambitious i guess. i'm happy just living my life day to day, going off to work M-F so i can spend my weekends and off hours watching mi amigos sing and play guitar (and drums!) until i shuffle off this mortal coil.
oh and Villain, in the "album sales" post you wrote:
So, summing it all up, I'd say Dark Tranquillity has sold more or less about 150,000 albums
altogether - which is an impressive number, but far less than they'd deserve."
what do they deserve?
alright, that's about it from me. you dudes keep on going to uni so you can get better jobs, so you can make more money, so you can invest it in the stock markets, so that you can eventually become full-fledged members of the rat race. see you all after graduation!
sal: i'm self-centered? looks who's talking, you and the folks who can't stand to see their precious posts *gasp* roll over to page 2! fuck you, asshole. keep climbing you may get there.
/flame-rant session