A sign I spend too much time on the internet.

This is our prime minister. And no, it is NOT COOL.



Dude, are you fucking kidding me? Where do you live, that's totally new (and disturbing) to me...

Here in Sweden people just started wearing Iron Maden, AC/DC and Zeppelin shirts after the Lordi-storm(At least in our town.).
But when you go upp to one of them and ask about their favorite song, they either say "I thought it was a brand of clothes" or "I dont listen to that metal crap"!? :ill:
Here in Sweden people just started wearing Iron Maden, AC/DC and Zeppelin shirts after the Lordi-storm(At least in our town.).
But when you go upp to one of them and ask about their favorite song, they either say "I thought it was a brand of clothes" or "I dont listen to that metal crap"!? :ill:

H&M are selling metal shirts now (since a year back i guess..), thats prolly why you see so many swedes wearing them.. Where do you live? I'm in Östersund.