WOW - sometimes, commuting on the train isn't so bad after all


Feb 20, 2005
So I live about an hour and a half north of NYC (though grew up in Manhattan, and only moved to where I am after Soph. year of High School), and since it's a heavily suburban area, there's a heavy-rail train system serving the legions of commuters to NYC every day called Metro North. I actually work in a smaller city (White Plains) north of NYC at the Westchester County Planning Dept., but it's still on the way to NYC, so I'm on the train for an hour each way every day to and from my (paid) internship.

Anyway, none of that matters, of course - just setting the scene for one of the greatest chance meetings of my life. Since the train always gets crowded, it's a guarantee that you're gonna have to sit right next to someone, so I cleared my stuff off the seat next to me before hunkering down for a little more shut-eye. I felt someone sit down next to me, but didn't budge until a few minutes later, when I looked and saw that it was a young woman (I feel like such a stodgy old fart when I say that, but what else am I supposed to call a chick in her early 20s? "Girl" is too patronizing, but "woman" to me implies someone definitely in womanhood, at least 25 or so...) and quite the foxy one at that, dressed in business apparel. However, she also has a tattoo around her wrist, so BAM! - instant conversation starter, and I jumped on it.

We get to talking, first about tattoos, and I tell her about mine (my parents' names in Nordic bind-runes), which gets us to talking about music - and lo and behold, she turns out to be a singer, and a metal one at that! She talked about how she just quit a band because they wanted to do too many "blast beats and growls" (so she knew the lingo), and how she had just moved to the area to work in the city and was finishing undergrad stuff online (implying that she's not too much older than me, if at all, though of course I didn't ask). So we talked for awhile, and around when my stop came up, I got her name so I could facebook her, and walked out of the train with a spring in my step!

A little background - recently, I've been listening to a fair amount of music with chick singers (After Forever, Stream of Passion, Epica), cuz a friend of mine is pretty into that style, and I just find the concept of a chick who can belt out beautiful vocals INTENSELY attractive. I'd also love to be in (another) band with a chick singer (even if my first was with a "young woman" who could definitely sing, but also was an incredibly immature bi-polar nutcase), so even from a strictly professional standpoint, this was an incredible stroke of good luck. However, since she's hot, I certainly wouldn't mind it being more tha professional as well! I'm in college for one more year, but she didn't seem to imply she'd be going anywhere, so when I'm out, I definitely wanna live in the area, and we shall see what happens!

Anyway, just wanted to share my good fortune with you guys. :kickass:
In my simple world that's the equivalent of hitting the lottery..

There's much win to be had in that post.
Good luck:rock:

Oh and on the fremale fronted band deal...

Check out
All Ends.. It's like inflames with female vox. It's really good.
Another reason for mass public transportation in Houston, which is basically non-existent. Here, about the only conversations you'll start up when commuting is when honking your horn and shouting obcenities while flipping off people. LOL Good luck! Give us periodic updates. :)

And yeah, After Forever and Epica are great bands. After Forever's last CD is one of my favorites, musically and production-wise.
Thats cool dude. Best of luck with that. Unfortunately people where I live don't much like to talk to strangers. It's a sort of nod your head and go attitude.
yeah dude.. digits or its almost teh fail. And ya gotta solidify... call her when she gives em to you so that she "has yer number too", but mostly so you know the number fuckin works.
Yeah, believe me, I know going for the number is usually the most "man-up" choice, and I've done it many times - but in this case, since I'm going back to school in central NY in 2 weeks and also since I wanted her to be able to hear my music and see that (I'd like to think) I can walk the walk as well as talk the talk musically, I figured facebook would be advantageous as a more low-key way to keep in touch and network than frequent phone calls to someone I've just met once. Plus, I don't have a car, so that pretty much makes it impossible for me to date anyone while I'm home :lol:

And believe me, this was one of those cases where I knew there wasn't gonna be any "fake number giving," or anything - not saying "SHE TOTALLY WANTED IT BRO LOLZ," but just that we really vibed...bro. :D
Because you really want to be talking to Houstoners...


As a native one, I can tell you...many of them talk too damn much. There's a vast difference between the natives and the transplants. But honestly...I don't want polite conversation, I don't want to talk about the weather, I don't want to know you're life story, I don't want to know your plans for the weekend.

I do however want better, more thought out public transportation here. But that's a pipe dream that will never happen. That's one of the big things I miss about travels in Europe: not having to take a car any time I want to go somewhere.
Yeah, that's one really nice thing about San Antonio - our public transportation isn't bad, especially for students. I'm just a little wary of anything involving Houston... it tries to be NYC and fails. (It's also where I might wind up next year, as Rice is a nice place to be for mathematics...)


The name on the card doesn't have to be real.
That way when they call you "DONNY JETT", you know it's a chick that's looking for some dong and the one your currently boning just thinks it's a wrong number.
Hahahahahahaahahaha, Sloan, your sage wisdom is an excellent contribution, and I may just take you up on your suggestion! :lol: