A slow thrash granade - can you help me?

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
Hello Dudes :)

I work on this since about 50 hours and I don´t get a satisfactory result :mad: Please help me..my ears don´t work anymore on this production. Maybe you can give me some tipps, how I can save this song. First of all..do you like the song & the mix ? The mastering is another chapter:waah: Positive for me is the drumsound..it´s real played and I like it very much..(the sound)

What do you say ?

Directlink: baconbomb


Call it metal, dude..I´m not a fan of categorizing something. The borders melt into each other anyway sometimes. The problem for me is, I don´t really know, WHAT disturbs me on this mix. Is it the vocals ? I´m just about to give this shit up and throw the song in the trash. I think, it´s the drum performance..it´s too loose played..too layed back.
I really like it.. the vocals don't seem to fit, but i think thats what makes the song.

the song title also reminds me of when i was drunk afew weeks back, and someone telling me i couldn't say BeerCan without sounding like a rasta saying "Bacon". had me baffled for awhile! hahaha
Yeah, there's something weird about the vocals.. I no expert, but the vocals would maybe blend in a little better if you gave it a small boost in the highend..
Thank you, dudes:) Haha..that´s cool! Beercan..*g* I can say this vocals also was created by having some beer :kickass:
It´s fun..just rock´n roll. It don´t takes it too serious :) It´s our kind of "whole lotta rosie".
If I were to improve this mix, I would take close attention to the guitars, they kinda seem to be floating up and down, too much compression perhaps? The vocals don't seem to fit as well, but overall it's a clean mix and the drums sound quite alright to me. I only dislike the sound of the HHats.. but I don't have enough knowledge to actually suggest how you can improve over this!
If I were to improve this mix, I would take close attention to the guitars, they kinda seem to be floating up and down, too much compression perhaps? The vocals don't seem to fit as well, but overall it's a clean mix and the drums sound quite alright to me. I only dislike the sound of the HHats.. but I don't have enough knowledge to actually suggest how you can improve over this!

Thank you very much, man :rock: I will make another mix today and try to optimize some things. Am I the only one who has a problem with the too much layed back drumming? It is not flashy?