A song from my band for you to mix...

You've got change the tom and hi hat hits in the MIDI. I had them scattered and they aren't correct on your track.

well i just used the midi track you provided and loaded it into BFD so i guess the mapping must be incorrect. if you can be a bit more specific i will try and fix it
Hmm...maybe I was too hasty in selling that thing. ;) If I hadn't bought that MP-1 off of Mike (006) a while back, I think I'd be missing it right about now. :lol:

By the way...great playing in the song too!
Hmm...maybe I was too hasty in selling that thing. ;) If I hadn't bought that MP-1 off of Mike (006) a while back, I think I'd be missing it right about now. :lol:

By the way...great playing in the song too!

I love telling people who want to buy one how much I got it for after selling the ada cab sim thing :loco:

My guitarist has an MP1, throw a TS in front and it's sick!
Thanks man! I'm gonna download this and give it a shot when I get home!

And btw, don't fool around with 'em Megauploads and stuff, use Dropbox! :)
Thanks man! I'm gonna download this and give it a shot when I get home!

And btw, don't fool around with 'em Megauploads and stuff, use Dropbox! :)

No problem and I originally used drop box until I generated too much traffic and account was disabled ;)
Still working on this, no automation on this (apart from solo'ing the drums a bit way through). I ended up blending the guitars I had (no impulses, just EQ) with an impulse'd version, as I actually really liked the grittiness. Cymbals/toms are my new sample pack [see here].
I love the mix on Are You Dead Yet (esp the snare), but its got a really harsh sound, so I went for a smoother version of that. Vocals and cymbals are a touch loud listening back now, I'll fix that later.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/324723/Jack'sBox3.mp3 [may still be uploading]

Saw in your readme you're looking for someone to mix the proper version of this - I'd love to if you like my mix.
My shot!

Really cool song! My version comes right out of the master buss, so no mastering whatsoever, so it might sound a little dull and softer then you're used too.

Here it is There could be some minor flaws/unbalanced things in there because my hearing is totally fatigue right now, gonna recheck tomorrow. Enjoy it!