A song you folk might enjoy by me...


Queer Old Man
Jan 12, 2002
Calgary, AB, Canada
hello, people, and also other people. I've been working on a song lately and i finally got a decent recording of it and i think it may be something you all could enjoy! i almost feel bad posting it here... i only post in this forum like once a week.. ehh anyway call me a spammer but i really think you might like it. Enjoy the song, if you can.

http://home.no.net/esoervik/images/files/Mikey Smith - On The Wing.mp3

This one is really special to me...
hey mate,yer song is really good!!!
it gives you this flowing,obscure and silently painful,but sweet feeling...i am enchanted...

Reminded me a bit of the Buckley boy and the Smashing Pumpkins:worship: in the beginning and some other,european influences(or was it my impression?)

well,i'm gonna say no more,as the anti-cheese filter will get me!
just tell me,how can i get more of yer music,if possible?


"...is all that we see or seem,but a dream within a dream?..."

Nice piece of music you gave us here , really nice to hear and perfectly fitting to my mood tonite, thanks!

I definitely wait for more ...

Thank you so much for your kind words... this song is one that came about only because of something i couldn't shake... anyway... at the moment i've got nothing else to upload, my other songs require drums and stuff which i can't do at the moment... i will be sure to let any of you know once i get it up though.
Again thanx so much to those who checked it out.
nice, fluid guitar playing. with vocals, could've been a good pop song. a slight overkill with hammer-ons in the lead part. and you really shouldn't have poured such a bucketful of reverb over the guitars, they'd stand perfectly as they are. :)
Originally posted by Bumblefoot
And pop song? hmm... maybe... though there is no verse-chorus-verse at all in it... there is nothing that is gone back to, no repeated parts.
it's alright, i didn't mean 'pop' in a dumb way - it just gravitates toward a song-song, sounds quite easy to the ear, and doesn't have the manly-manly grind and drive of rock'n'roll to call it 'rawk'. (like, Anathema's 'forgotten hopes' and some other songs are pop too). nevermind, forget the spooky classifications.