You've now completely confirmed your gayness. However, both Taylor and Martin is a huge step down from the Breedlove I will be getting this year. Breedlove's are hand made in Oregon.
I thought my gayness was confirmed the first time I met you behind your barn? But anyhow, that's beside the point. Martin and Taylor are obviously both pretty damn awesome instruments, I just prefer the Taylors I've played a bit more.
Never heard of Breedlove. Might click the link in a minute.
Martin and Taylor or mass produced. Sure you can find pre-WWII Martins selling for $100,000. But the new Martin's and Taylor's are mass produced. Thus . . . you're truly talking about a step down in quality, when compared to a genuine hand-made acoustic. The only places you can find these hand made guitars is usually in small all-acoustic guitar shops.
I'll have to keep an eye out for those, I'd like to get a nice acoustic in the next year or two. Don't really want to spend more than $1500, but I won't be at that bridge for awhile anyhow.
Check those Breedlove's out. They make an Atlas series. It is mass produced, but it is far superior to any other mass produced guitar. The solid top and solid back ones range from about $600 to $800. VERY nice guitars. Same look as the expensive ones. I've played them, and they are VERY good.