A taste of extreme divinity || New album

FINALLY! Now hopefully everyone that asks about a new album will shut the fuck up and patient. Instead of asking for some sort of "instant gratification" miracle!
Larger Image, Taken from their myspace

like you guys said. It looks pure Death Metal. I fucking love it. But are Ensiferum really that big. Or is it Hypocrisy thats not so big? but ofc, we havent heard anything from them for, 3-4 years now. Thats why i guess. anyway. ITS FUCKING AWSOME!!!
still stuck at 101 here, stoopid eastern time :p

oh btw if someone can find a good image of the cover with an even better resolution than the one posted here, please send it to me or something!
"after that we´ll try to hit rest of the world" I hope they make it to oz!

edit: oh shit the album cover is evil!!! looks like straight up death metal, no sci-fi/alien theme?

Fucking Oath. I doubt it though. I think we'll be heading to Europe or America to see Hypocrisy.

Killer cover art & album title. Really looking forward to this, the last 2 albums were 2 of the best IMO.
shit!!! this is a really classic death metal cover...

maybe it's too late to say this but it's a very "penetralia" cover
Fucking Oath. I doubt it though. I think we'll be heading to Europe or America to see Hypocrisy.

Killer cover art & album title. Really looking forward to this, the last 2 albums were 2 of the best IMO.

Yeah I doubt it too :(

But damn that album cover... I hope Peter has tapped in with his inner evil and gone all out for this :kickass: <blasting some hypocrisy now>