a thorough survey

432. on which side do you usually go to sit in a bus?

Either side doesn't bother me. Usually depends on where we're headed so I get a better view.

433. when you buy something in a store, do you take the first box on the shelf or do you reach back to get a product that has been touched less?

Never the first!

434. is it hard to swallow your pride?

Not really.

435. do you go to shows only if a band you like is playing, or just to entertain yourself regardless of how you like the band?

Only good bands.

436. do you often eat gum?


437. does walking in the centre of your town carrying large objects bother you?

Not at all.

438. do you buy second-hand stuff?

Sure, as long as it's in good condition.

439. enjoy walking around flea-markets?

Sometimes. I love finding quirky one-of-a-kind things.

440. do you have a good memory, or do you need little notes around?

Not too good.

441. how long does it take to make you angry?

Depends. My mum pisses me off easily. With others, I'm quite calm.

442. are you satisfied with the way your handwriting looks?

Mostly. I'm jealous of my dad who has really beautiful handwriting.

443. men who wear make up?

It's cool if they can pull it off. Eyeliner is spiffy on some but I wouldn't go for a guy who wears it all the time.

444. do you keep your cd's in alphabetical order?

Haha, I tried. Now they're everywhere.

445. how many cd's do you own?

No idea.

446. are you always on time?

I'm usually 10-15 mins late.

447. is ballét beautiful?

I think so. It certainly isn't easy.

448. have you ever had any trouble with the police?

No, I'm a fucking saint.

449. from how many different countries do you have friends?


450. is a customer always right?

Definitely not. But I'm in advertising so I have to say yes.

451. how many jobs have you had in your lifetime?


452. is it embarassing to buy sex-related equipment?

Quite. The packaging isn't exactly discreet either sometimes :zombie:

453. my friends...

Are awesome and I love them.

454. my parents...

Should sit down and really talk.

455. school...

Was great till puberty hit, then it all went downhill. I dislike most of the people from my year and never want to see them again. Ever.

456. ...is overrated


457. ...kills me


458. ...freak me out


459. 5 best things in the world?

People I love, music, art, food, nature.

460. does your back hurt often?

No but my shoulders are stiff.

461. do you have a good sense of direction?

Most of the time.

462. is it easier to say personal stuff in languages other than your own?

Hell, no.

463. what kind of people draw your attention when walking in the streets?

People I want to imagine naked. No particular feature.

464. you're buying a car: what colour will it be?


465. what would make you even better?

Being less hopeful and learning not to care so much.

466. do you make friends easily?

Depends. If I like someone, yes; if not, I can't be arsed talking.

467. if your partner was working in the sex industry, would you want him/her to stop?

I wouldn't date someone in the sex industry unless he's like the scriptwriter or publicist or something like that :p

468. the monkeys or the beatles?

Hehe. Lock them in a room and let them battle it out.
469. do you donate to charity? if so, what do you donate, how much, how often, to which charities?


470. when you walk around inside a mall or in the streets, are you always the one having to dodge the ones that are walking straight towards you?

I'm a dodger :(

471. does it piss you off that they never dodge you?


472. have you ever thought "fuck, i'm not going to dodge anyone anymore because they aren't either" and walked straight forward?

Sometimes. I really hate when I want to get out of an elevator and some fuckers barge in before I can. WTF? Usually I just stand there blocking the entrance till they fucking move. Or if I'm in a bad mood, I'll shove my way.

473. did they then walk straight on you?


474. when you come out of a metro station, does it make you insanely angry when all the old goats / young rap kids rush in before you get out?

Haha, I just bitched about that. Guess it's a universal problem.

475. ever walked out quickly, punching the old goats / young rap kids out of the way?


476. did it cause an adrenalin rush and made your mouth go all smiley, seeing their prizeless faces?


477. do you open/hold the door for someone with huge packages and such?

Yep. Those fuckers don't do the same for me. Wtf is wrong with people these days?! How fucking hard is it to have some common sense and manners?!

478. when you drive a car, do you have a feeling you're the only one that seems to be able to drive?

Hehe, not really.

479. if you were a cop, from how high a percentage of people would you take driving licenses away?

I never thought about it.
101. Do you like Nine Inch Nails? (inspired by Rusty´s "avatar"-words)
I like 1 or 2 tracks, such as Warmer, but overall not fussed

102. Have you ever worn a beret? You like ´em in general?
Yes. Only when appropriate.

103. You run towards a corner, pull the carpet from the floor and find a secret passage like in old movies. What do you see when you open the hatch?
A tunnel to a fantasy land of medieval times, where life is worth living.

104. Which is scarier weapon: a dirty knife or a huge stick with nails put into it?

105. Long skirts or short ones?
On women, I like to see both, but hard to beat a light summer dress.

106. How do you usually spend your Saturday nights?
Here, watching DVDs or talking with interesting people over the net.

107. What is the worst illness you´ve had?
A infection that anti-biotics couldn't kill after 2 years.

108. Seen a dead person? in real life, I mean.
An interesting paradox in the above statement. But getting at what I think you mean, I would say no.

109. The most stupid thing you did during your childhood?
Be naive.

110. Math or languages? Both.

111. Blonds or brunettes?

112. The best ice cream tastes like...?
Maybe Boysenberry swirl.

113. Have you ever walked out from a movie theatre in the middle of the show ´cause the movie sucked so hard?
I don't think so, I coordinate to watch decent movies :P

114. What thing did you bought, paid lots and didn´t even like the result?
Can't think of anything.

115. Are you able to see things often from another persons angle? Yes.

116. Have you kept a diary?
Tried once, but lasted about 2 days :P

117. What magazines you like to read?
Terrorizer (European Underground music), Street Machine (Performance Car), MAD (Satire), New Type (Anime).

118. Is the world now scarier place than it was when you grew up?
Yes and no.

119. Are you bi-sexual?

120. Enough yet?
:p Nope

121. Which do you prefer; science fiction or horror?
Probably Sci-Fi, but both are good.

122. Why are we still here?
Because we aren't welcome.

123. Is Arnold tougher than Sylvester?
Who cares?

124. Have you completely forsaken VHS´s now that DVD has come?
No. Can't record with DVDs yet, unless you are willing to fork out the money.

125. George W. Bush? Who cares?

126. Do you have "snail-mail"-buddies?

127. You like getting a tan?
I dont care

128. You got tattoos/piercings?
Yes, 3 ear piercings

129. ...shit...
Is a plague

130. When is the last time you´ve build a snowman?
The only time I've been to the snow.

131. When is your birthday?
Who cares?

132. Getting or giving gifts?
Both, more giving than getting.

133. Do you boicot something?
Eating flesh, violence and stupidity.

134. Could somebody else please take over?
I'm sure someone will.

135. Who´s going to Wacken (yep, still on that fucking subject)
Not I.

136. Have you travelled by an airplane? How´s it like? I should do this in the summer but I´m afraid...
You should. The Gs that press on you when you first tilt up during take-off are great. Also, you get that overwhelming sense of ascension when you fly up through then above the clouds ^_^

137. How often do you wash your hair?
When I remember.

138. How long does it take for you to take a shower?
About 10 mins.

139. Could you go in a plastic surgery? What would you "fix"?
Nothing, I like my body the way it is

140. Speaking or listening?
Most often listening, but if I find a person I connect with on a deeper level, both.

141. Who would you wanna meet? (dead or alive)
Bruce Lee

142. Politics?

143. Are a good cook?
I eat my own cooking, which has to say something.

144. Do you like cleaning?

145. Suicide is...?
An option. Saviour for some.

146. What do you think about men who dress in skirts and wear make up?
Don't care.

147. Are policemen our friends or enemies?

148. Are you afraid of going to a dentist?

149. How do you want to die?

150. Tell me what you think of me (Lumitalvi).
I dont know you.

151. What is the most stupid stereotype?

152. Would you rather be an actor or a POPstar?
I'd rather die than be either.

153. Britney or Christina?
Who cares?

154. What is/was your favourite toy?
Can't remember

155. Did your parents read bedtime stories to you?

156. Are you afraid giving speeches?
A little nervous at first, but then end up not giving a shit.

157. Blacksmith or shoemaker?

158. Wiccas are...?

159. Do you consider yourself as a patient person?

160. Wanna go out when it´s raining?
Yes and no.

161: What do you think of me (Rusty)??
Top notch bloke.

163. Why the fucking hell isn´t Rusty gonna come to Tuska?

164. In what eeeeevill and verymuch HURTING way should we punish him??
Telling him all about if after the fact.

165. Why doesn´t my stomach like food in the morning?
Cause it's still asleep.

166. Why I am so fucking short of cash?
Because you spend it, duh ;)

167. How many cousins do you have?
Can't remember, around 12 maybe

168. Do you often buy new clothes?

169. Is honesty the best policy?

170. Do you take good care of your health?
Not as much as I should, but yes.

171. Vegetables or fruits?

172. How many nights a month you sit in a bar?
About 2

173. What´s the last gig you´ve seen? (last, not best)
Opeth + Virgin Black

174. Do you consider yourself as a scenepolice? (in any scene)
Don't know what is meant by 'scenepolice'

175. Are you desperately waiting for spring to come?
Not desperately

176. Have you tried out what dog food tastes like?

177. One thing in your life you would do differently.

178. Is fucking animals cool?

179. What instrument would you wanna play?
Piano, Violin, Viola, Flute, Acoustic Guitar (rather than just fiddle), Pan Pipes, some Chinese instruments, Mellotron....the list goes on.

180. *hands out a gun for you to shoot me with*
*Uses it on self*

181. Do you actually read others answers?

182. What do you think of Marko?
Dont know 'Marko'

183. What do you think of Toni?
Don't know 'Toni'

184. What do you think of Lassi?
Don't know 'Lassi'

185. What do you think of Horza?
Dont know 'Horza'

186. What do you think of Tooled?
Dont know 'Tooled'

187. What do you think of Hearse?
Funny, horny individual

188. What do you think of Maza?
Don't know 'Maza'

189. What do you think of these 'what do you think of X" queries?
Getting sick of typing 'Don't know "x"'

190. What do you think of Farmakon?
Haven't heard

191. What is your favorite sex position?
Can't decide

192. Do you like the taste of the opposite sex's genitals? (how official did that just sounded?) :lol:
And to be more exact, I mean CLEAN genitals, not festival genitals after 3 days without a shower :hypno:
Don't know

193. Do you like it ruff or gentle?

194. Like to recieve/do some spanking?

195. what do you think of while having sex?
Don't know

196. Do you like the scent of heat?
Which 'heat' are you refering to?

197. What makes you lust for the opposite sex?
Something to do with Pheromones/Testosterone, I would say

198. What do you enjoy the most during sex/foreplay?

199. ...And do you actually perform any foreplay, or are you more just a "shove it in and get over it" type of man/woman?
Foreplay is good.

200. did you feel uncomfortable answering to these questions?

201. Want more sex related questions?
Not bothered either way
354. Do you know what "rti" is short for in internet-speak??
Real time interruption, if a certain tv program can be believed.

355. Have you ever seen anyone using it in a convo with you??
Never. After seeing these answers, I now reckon the tv program bollocksed it up.

356. what are the best lines you've ever read (book, song, anything)?
There are too many song lyrics I love to single any out. But I'll post again the best thing I've ever read in a book:

"Did you really punch the president of the Assassins' Guild??"
"Yes, sir."
"Didn't have a dagger, sir."

357. does god exist?
I don't know. But I don't believe he does.

358. what's your favourite smilie (not necessarily from um)?

359. should everyone come to this world with the same range of opportunities, and why?
Yes, because as far as I can see it's fair that way.

360. would you actively fight against a law you consider unjust?
I suppose it depends how unjust I see it. I'm a passive person so it'd have to be very bad for me to actively protest.

361. how many people do you think really understand you?
Probably none. Maybe one or two sort of understand me quite a bit, but not fully.

362. treble or bass?

363. are you able to settle for the consolation prize because after all it's better than nothing?
I have to, since I never win first prize.

364. human kind will die tomorrow. if you could save five people, who would they be?
I'm going to shamelessly chicken out of this one.

365. best record you've bought so far this year?
My Dying Bride - Songs of Darkness, Words of Light. Another album I've got, Anathema - A Natural Disaster, would be equally good... but I didn't buy it, it was bought for me.

366. do you like pineapples?
Yes, they're very nice. Good fruit indeed.

367. Are you good at helping other people who have problems??
No. I can listen to them talk about such things, but as soon as it comes to actually saying something I'm crap. And anyone can listen.

368. Are you a good person to have around in a crisis/emergency??
Fortunately enough I've never been in such a situation, but I think I'd be reasonably decent.

370. Where does your lack of sleep show?
I have permanent bags under my eyes now. I also have complete apathy - barely bothered doing assignment, doubt I'll bother revising for exams... meh.

371. I am...
sick of my life right now.

372. Today I´m going to...
try getting up to date with this survey. ;)

373. I hate...
my life right now.

374. I love...
some people, music.

375. I have...
a fairly decent possibility of coming to Tuska now.

376. In 10 years I will...
possibly have something right in my life, although I'm not holding my breath.

377. I was sad when...
they stopped making/selling the MASK toys.

378. I wanted to vanish when...
I realised I'm crap.

379. I often...
sigh. I never used to sigh, now I do all the time.

380. I will never...
do any kind of fucking stupid drugs... not counting medicine, caffeine, alcohol and stuff like that.

381. Sex on the beach under a blazing sun, or sex on a grassy meadow under the stars?
Meadow under the stars.

382. When was the last time you went to a doctor/health professional, and what was it for?
Doctor, a couple of years ago, about eczema on my hands/fingers.

383. What's the most recent band you've discovered, that you like?

384. What did your most recent meal consist of?
Sausages and fried onions.

385. Do you wear earplugs at concerts?

386. Most recent (new) magazine you've bought/read?
Kerrang! a couple of years ago.

387. Would you have wanted to live in the 70´s or the 60´s? (and I mean lived as in being 20-30 old, not born)

388. Gold or silver?

389. You want to change your name, what is it now?
I don't know. Heh, it's something I've never thought about even though I don't like my name, but I don't like most English names anyway.

390. What are you in horoscopes?
My star sign is Aries.

391. Lots of spices in food or not?Yes, I usually like it.

392. Yesterday...
I was depressed and then cheered up a bit.

393. Today...
I've been okay, but a bit bored and lonely.

394. Tomorrow...
will probably be the same as today.

395. Summer is...
not quite here yet, and I'm impatient.

396. Raining will...
cheer me up.

397. I fear...
spiders, heights, depths, and never finding "someone".

398. Don´t...
step on my blue suede shoes.

399. I lauhged my ass off when...
I think of some of the incredibly stupid things I've done recently.

400. The worst...
feeling is hopelessness.

401. Have you ever had the same dream more than once?
Yes, a really odd one where I was going down a massive slide/chute and it was winding all over the place, and the two men from Steptoe & Son were trying to catch me with loads of traps and stuff like that.

402. Ever visited a fortune- teller?
No, and I don't intend to.

403. Did you born under the lucky stars?
I don't know which stars are lucky.

404. Ever participated in a demonstration?

405. What would you demonstrate against if you had to?
I don't know... right now, I'd only demonstrate against being forced to demonstrate against something.

406. Are you good at finding things that are missing?
Usually, but it depends on the thing.

407. Wanna be a president or a king?
Hell no.

408. Your idol?
I don't think I have one. Or maybe it's everyone who has their life sorted out.

409. Do you often "what if"- yourself?
Yes, all the time.

410. How many hours you sleep during the night?
At the moment, usually 7 or 8.

411. Are golf and tennis sports for rich-assses?
I don't think so.

412. Did you play with dolls when you were little?
No. I played with toys and action figures and teddies, not dolls.

413. When Barbie and Ken broke up, were you upset ?
I wasn't aware they had broken up. I don't know, society these days. :/

414. Do you watch MTV?
Most certainly not.

415. Would you want to become a lawyer or a doctor?
A doctor.

416. Do you rather call than write text messages?
I try to do neither. When I have to, it just depends on what I want to say and to whom. It's about 50/50.

417. Does sun give you energy?
Maybe the day I get a solar panel sewn into my head.

418. If someone tells you about some disease going around, do you soon think you have it too?
I used to a lot, but not anymore.

419. Gays?
Exist, yes.

420. Do you have friends at your workplace?
No workplace for me, but at my uniplace I have mates. Not friends.

421. Who cuts your hair?
No one, but I'll ask mum if she'll trim it during the next 4 weeks.

422. How many shoes you have?
One pair of general purpose trainers, one pair of football trainers, one pair of uncomfortable boots, one pair of smart shoes.

423. Do you sing while showering?
Often, yes. But not if there's someone nearby, in the next room or something.

424. Do you get shocked when a huge accident happens, not near you but in your country?
A huge accident like a plane crash or something, yes. Not just pile-ups on a motorway or something like that.

425. How many hours in a day you spend in front of a computer?
Maybe 10, if I'm not on UM/chatting I'll be programming or doing some other kind of work on it.

426. Have you rode (ride, rode, ridden?? ) a horse?
No, I might try it one day though.

427. What time do you wake up?
Usually about 7 or 8.

428. Do typos irritate you?
I don't mind one or two that other people make, but if they typo all the time it's bloody annoying. And a single typo by myself is enough to get me pissed off. The exceptions are funny typos, which I love.

429. From what does the best sallad you´ve had consist of?
It has the usual salad stuff, plus grapes, cheese, peanuts, carrot, sultanas, some other things I can't remember. Really, grapes and cheese in salad is just amazing.

430. Society?
I fully agree.

431. Not a "real" question.. but would anyone of you HE-MAN- dudes like to sell those, if you still have them?
I never really liked He-Man, so no.

432. On which side do you usually go to sit in a bus?
Whichever side there's a full empty seat near the back. If there's a choice, usually the right.

433. When you buy something out of a store, do you take the first product on the row or do you reach back to have a product that is "less touched"?
First one, unless it's visibly damaged.

434. Is it hard to swallow your pride?
I have none.

435. Do you go in gigs only if there is a band you like or do you go to gigs just to entertain yourself whether there is a good band or not?
Only if there's a good band on, which possibly explains my gigcount of 3.

436. Do you often eat gum?
When I go to uni.

437. Does walking in the centre of your town carrying large objects bother you?
Not really, but if it's heavy it does.

438. Do you buy second-hand stuff?
No, I prefer first hand if I can get it.

439. Enjoy walking around flea-markets?
No. Too many people.

440. Do you have a good memory, or do you need little paper- reminders around?
I used to remember everything, now my memory's slipping but I still don't write anything down.

441. How long does it take to make you angry?
It depends. A lot of people can't make me angry because I just don't give a shit. Some people can make me angry very easily, because I give too much of a shit.

442. Are you satisfied in the way your hand writing looks?
I can make it look neat if I can be arsed, so yes.

443. Men who wear make-up?

444. Do you have your cd´s in alphabetical order?
Yes, except the latest My Dying Bride is right on top since it doesn't fit in the gaps, then the Apulanta is next because it was a special present, then Opeth ones come becaue at the time of ordering I listened to them the most and it was easier like that, then the rest in alphabetical order by bandname, sub-ordered by date of release.

445. How much cd´s do you own?
Heh, less than 50. I only started buying a few years ago when my brother moved away and I couldn't borrow his anymore, and since then I've had no money or I've been saving up.

446. Are you always on time?
Nearly always early, I hate being late.

447. Is ballét beautiful?
It can be, or it can be naff.

448. Have you had any trouble with the police?

449. From how many different countries you have friends?
I'd say 7.

450. Is customer always right?
No one is always right.
451. How many jobs have you had during your lifetime?

452. Is it embarrassing to buy sex-related stuff?
I wouldn't know.

453. My friends...
rule, for the most part.

454. My parents...
were surprisingly supportive about my Finland-trip.

455. School...
was a few years ago now, but sort of fun.

456. Porn...
is overrated.

457. Being unable to help...
kills me.

458. A big hairy spider...
freaks me out.

459. 5 best things in the world?
Music. Some other stuff.

460. Does your back hurt often?
Not anymore, but I did have a muscle spasm once and couldn't play football or do anything like that for 3 or 4 months.

461. Do you have good sense of directions?
Usually, yes.

462. Is it easier to say personal stuff in other language than your own?
Je ne sais pas, je parle l'anglais seulement.

463. What kind of people draw your attention while walking on the street?
Couples who insist on hugging and kissing as they walk along. Gods that makes me pissed off, and if I ever get a girlfriend I'll make sure I do exactly the same in order to piss off the other sad losers.

464. You´re buying a car. What colour will it be?
I don't care, as long as it's not bright pink or lime green or something stupid like that.

465. What would make you even better?
Being loved.

466. Do you make friends easily?
No. I'm far too shy and nervous and quiet, and my sense of humour is a little strange.

467. If your partner was working in the sex business would you want him/her to stop?
Possibly, I don't know until it happens. But I would imagine so.

468. The Monkeys or The Beatles?
The Beatles, of course.

469. Do you donate to charity?? If so: what do you donate, how much, how often, to which charities??
A little. We get sacks through the door asking for old stuff we never use anymore, so mum makes me donate some old clothes and stuff like that. And once I gave £10 to a cancer research... thing.

470. when you walk on a mall or on street are you always the one that have to dodge the ones that walk straight forward?
I'm dodgy.

471. does it piss you off that they never dodge you?
Not really, everyone can't dodge at the same time, imagine how hectic that would be.

472. have you ever thought "fuck, I'm not going to dodge no one anymore because they aren't neither" and walked straight forward?

473. did they then walk straight on you?

474. when you come out from a Metro does it makes you inasanely angry when all the old goats/young rap kids rush in before you get out?
No, if that happens I'll walk straight and let them all bounce off me.

475. Ever walked wast out punching the old goats/young rap kids from the way?
See above; not punched, just not dodged.

476. did it make the adrenaline rush and your mouth go all smiley, after you see their prizeless faces?
No, it just made me chuckle slightly inside.

477. do you open/keep the door for someone with huge packages or such?
Yes, and often even if they don't have a package.

478. when you drive a car, do you have a feeling you're the only one that seem to know how to drive?

479. if you were a cop, from how many percent of people would you take their drivers licence away?

480. If you are Robinson, who´s your Friday?
I really wouldn't know.

481. If you wear a longsleeve, do you often roll the sleeves up?
No, my arms are too skinny, I prefer to not have to look at them.

482. You have this sudden for something. Do you get it no matter what?
Oh yes.

483. Do you enjoy watching romantic comedies or do they make you puke?
They make me smile and build up false hope inside me for a short time and wistful longing and self-pity for a long time.

484. There is a picture on the wall, but it´s not straight. Leave it like that?
Gods no. Unstraight pictures are just Not On.

485. Is cleaning a toilet fun?
Erm. I've never actually cleaned one.

486. Do you know many people that have the same name as you do?
Russell from UM does. He's the only one, and his surname is different, funnily enough.

487. Is the health of your environment (nature, not people) important to you?
I'd like it to be better, but accept that we can't expect it to be like thousands of years ago, so it doesn't bother me too much.

488. Which is more stupid a)burning books b)shouting your opinions in the streets
Burning books.

489. Priests?

490. Is Cartman fat or just heavy boned?
I have to presume you mean the same Cartman as the Cartman from South Park that people keep mentioning. In which case I really don't give the slightest shit, since South Park is one of the most overrated things on tv.

491. If you are hungry, but don´t eat, how does your body react?
I get light-headed and generally fall over.

492. Do you still laugh with the same joy like you did when you were a kid?
Yes, but not as often.

493. Do you drink milk?
Never on its own, I don't like it like that. I put a little bit in coffee, a bit more in tea, and i can drink it from the bottom of the cereal bowl if I put enough sugar on the cereal beforehand.

494. What does an extremely loud voice do to you?
Makes me want to do nasty things to that person.

495. That fucking....

496. Is rubbing a fork against a plate the most wonderful sound you know?

497. Do you have any habits that your friends consider as sick?
Not that I know of, but then I can't really think of many bad habits I have that would be publicly known anyway.

498. Are you good at counting numbers inside your head?
Counting?? Yes. Adding?? Yes. So in summary, yes.

499. Do you play different roles around different people?
Erm, I don't change myself to fit different people, if that's what you mean.

500. When you go to a sight-seeing or a thing like that, do you prefer a guide with you or do you want to explore everthing yourself?
It depends on the place, really. Somewhere like a stately house, I'd rather have some sort of guide because there's only so much exploring you can do in a place like that. But a castle would probably be much more explorer friendly, so I'd kick any guide in the shins and skip away to explore.

501. What is the biggest amount of money you have found on a street?
A £5 note, when I was 10.

502. Cutest thing you know?
The :( smiley.

503. Are white lies acceptable?
Not usually, no.

504. Does Easter affect your life in any way?
I get a few weeks of uni, so hell yes.

505. There soon will be robots that´ll do all of your housework. Wanna have a robot making you a cup of coffee?
No, how much milk I have depends on my mood and level of awake..ness.

506. Mel Gibson and Passion of the Christ. Gonna see it?
Definitely not.

507. Are you a violent person?

508. What matters?
Nothing else matters. H4R.

509. What was the latest thing on which you felt you had accomplished something?
I told my parents about going to Finland. I was so nervous about their reaction beforehand.

510. What´s your shadow like?
Better than the 3-dimensional version of me.

511. What colour is your favourite towel??

512. Do you recycle??
Our council is trying a scheme whereby each house has two bins, one for recyclable stuff and one for the rest, so in that way I do.

513. Would you rather be too cold or too hot??
Too cold, always.

514. Too tall or too short??
I think too tall.

515. Too fat or too thin??
Even though I hate being too thin, I'd still take too thin over too fat.

516. Too quiet or too loud??
Too quiet, I hate noise.

517. What is your favourite type of cheese??
White stilton with cranberries. *drools*

518. Do you ever go through period where you'll look at the clock at the exact same time each day, but for no real reason (in other words, not because the alarm goes )??
Sometimes I'll notice 11:11 for a few days running.

519. Do you like having curtains open so you can see out, or do you like having them closed so no one else can see in??
Closed, so no one can see in.

520. Why does a mouse when it's brown??]
Yeah, okay, so I ran out of ideas. :/

521. Does knowing lyrics in songs mean a lot to you?
Well I wouldn't say it means a lot, but I do like to be able to sing along, or know what the song is about.

522. Like eating lemons?
Yes, but I prefer eating limes.

523. Do you like to wear parfym/aftershave?
No, I generally don't like the smell(s).

524. Weirdest thing you have drinken?
A few years ago at a drunken night at a friend's house, three of us made a cocktail from various spirits, beers, milk, coffee, tea, tomato/brown/Worcester/soy sauce, grapes, fruit juice, water, salt, pepper, with grated cheese on top. I didn't drink all of mine.

525. What stuff you know in other cultures than your own, that you concider funny?
Well, there are people wearing black socks out of jealousy, or something... But seriously, there are many many things and I couldn't begin to list them all.

526. Is it ok that nowdays EVERYTHING is made to be easier and quicker? (so you don´t have to lift a finger to eat, just think about it and it´s done)
It's certainly fine by me.

527. How long can you stand complete silence?
I don't know, it's never lasted long enough so far.

528. Do you carry a camera with you just in case someting interesting crosses your path?
Nope, I leave picture-taking to other people.

529. How long are you able to read a textbook and study before you get sleepy?
Not too long, maybe half an hour. Then it's coffee time.

530. Harry Potter?
Most certainly not.

531. Plastic surgeries?

532. Do you like to eat peanuts?
Yeah, I prefer honey-roasted to salted.

533. Are you allergic to something?
Not that I know of.

534. When there are pics taken from you, do you always feel you look like crap in them?
I don't feel it, I know it.

535. School-uniforms?
Weren't that bad, really. I certainly managed.

536. Should smoking be denied in public places, like bars for example?
Preferably, yes.

537. A thing that warms your heart when you think back your life?
The first time I held my neice.

538. The word is WORMS. How do you pronounce it? (like it´s written or like "wöörms")
Actually, wöömz. R's are often not pronounced in English English, they just change the vowel beforehand.

539. Ever had sex in a public place? (you can skip this, R )
Damn right I can skip this.

540. What was the last thing you gave to someone?
Christmas presents, I think... which were mainly CDs/books, and a misanthropia.net print.

541. Electric chair, hanging or shooting?
For me?? All three at the same time, please.

542. Do you ever stop to listen your voice and find it horrible?
Haha, yes, I don't like it, but others seem to.

543. Have you started to reminding yourself of your parents?
Me and my dad laugh exactly the same way (when we watch Friends or something like that), but that's about it.

544. If you get depressed, how long does it take for you to get over it?
One year and counting.

545. Have you ever betrayed someone, if yes, what way?
Betrayal is a strong word and I don't think I've done it, at least not that I can remember.

546. What do you do best?
Mope around doing nothing.

547. How do you torure yourself after doing something reaaaally stupid?
Just generally sit there feeling sorry for myself and hating myself for a bit.

548. Strawberry or rasberry?

549. When was the last time you baked something?
I did some roast potatoes and pork chops... weeks ago.

550. How to make your money last longer?
Leave the house as little as possible and scrounge from my parents.
551. What happens after the final day of your life?
World celebration.

552. Kurt Cobain?
Made some decent (IMO) songs.

553. A comedian you like best?
Peter Kay or Billy Connolly.

554. Do you like running up stairs?
Yeah, as long as there aren't too many because my legs get tired really quickly nowadays.

555. When was the last time you´ve washed your windows in your house?
Me personally, never. The windowcleaners come once a month or so though.

556. What is the historical era you are most interested in?
From an early age I always like ancient Greece because of all the cool gods, and the Vikings for the same reason. Saxon England too, pretty much all of the Middle-Ages... The only "modern" history I'm interested in is the second world war.

557. Have you saved any money now?
I should bloody well hope so, not much chance of Tuska if not.

558. Fan of traditions?
Some, it depends on the tradition in question really.

559. Eating or sleeping?
Sleeping. Unconsciousness is corking.

560. Do you like driving a car?
Not that much in the city or on short journeys, but I do like going on long journeys on the motorway alone.

561. So how did you spend your Easter?
Mainly: listening to arguments about, listening to my brother lying about, listening to my mother and my brother's girlfriend cry about, and feeling just a little pissed off about, my brother's heroin addiction.

562. Do you ever listen to tapes anymore?
Until recently I did, but now I've got all my taped music on mp3, so the only time I listen to tapes is in the car now.

563. Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse?
Donald Duck.

564. The best cartoon tv-show you watched as a kid?
Teenage Mutant Hero (as it is in England) Turtles when I was a younger kid, which was then obsoleted by the Legend of Zelda cartoons, which was obsoleted in turn by Earthworm Jim.

565. Do angels exist?
Not to my knowledge or belief.

566. Where do think we should draw the line in band merchandise? (in shower curtains or in candy, or wallets or what? )
CDs, DVDs, shirts and posters are plenty enough for me.

567. Are you a fan of X-files?

568. How about Twin Peaks? Did you like that?
Never seen it, don't know what it is.

569. Would you rather buy a motorcycle or a car?
I can drive a car but can't ride a motorbike, so a car it is.

570. What aches in you now?
My arse from sitting down for too long, and my hips for some reason.

571. Science or sense?
I have a soft spot for both.

572. Are you afraid of getting a cancer?
Not really, I can think of worse things to get.

573. What was the last place you bleeded from?
I cut my finger on a tin of beans a few weeks ago.

574. Would you join the army for going to a war in some other country?

575. Light or dark?
In colours, dark. In brightness of light in a room, dark.

576. I yelled...
"What's going on?? And I said 'heyyyyeaah yeaah yeah yeah, heyyyyyyeaaaah yeaaahh,' I said 'hey, what's going on??' "

577. If you were lying in bed in the middle of the night, and heard a woman screaming rape nearby (and were convinced it was genuine), would you get up and try to help, call the cops, or pretend you didn't hear it and do nothing (or do nothing because you don't care)?
I'd ring the cops straight away, then go out and try to help.

578. If you were diagnosed with cancer, would you fight the disease, or give in?
Give in.

579. Are you currently lusting after someone? (hey, can't have 3 serious questions in a row )
Of course.

580. At would point would you resort to paying for sex?[/b

581. Is it safe to walk alone at night where you live?
Yes, but some of the pavements are uneven and that can be a real bugger.

582. What's the best thing to happen to you in the last 3 days?
Getting interesting videos to watch. :dopey:

583. What's the worst thing to happen to you in the last 3 days?
Got quite depressed again a couple of days ago, it's worn off a little for now.

584. When using the computer at night, do you have a light on, or sit in the dark?
My bedroom light is on, but it's not bright anyway.

585. What's the most recent item of mail you've recieved (physical, not email)?
A newsletter for Nottingham Rugby Club.

586. Give us some personally revealing information (bonus points if it's sex related )
I'm very slightly bow-legged.

587. have you ever lied while replying to this survey?
Not that I can remember specifically.

588. if yes, can you write the real answer to at least one question you've previously ignored or lied about, without specifying which question it was?
I'll come back to this when I read through my previous answers.

589. favourite non-metal record?
Carl Orff - Carmina Burana.

590. if you were suddenly lost in the wilderness without means of contacting anybody, what would you do?
Be absolutely delighted, first and foremost. Then I'd start about making some sort of shelter while I thought about how to get back to some sort of civilisation. Then I'd think long and hard about whether I wanted to, or whether I'd let myself slowly waste away.

591. when have you first listened to a music album?
Err, well I always listened to my brothers' music when I was growing up, I couldn't put an exact date on it.

592. name five people from ultimatemetal you'd gladly do without
Lolita Vampiria, Jim LotFP, Enkeli, The Silent Man, Profanity.

593. not counting mailing lists or email notifications from communities online, how many emails do you receive each day, and how many of those are spam?
Probably about 3 or so, nearly always spam. I very rarely get a non-spam email that isn't a notification/mailing list thing.

594. do you often download music from the internet?
Yep. While I'm poor I will continue to do so. When I have money I'll buy the albums I like, and I regularly delete albums I never listen to and don't like.

595. do you think mankind will ever "move" to another planet in the solar system?

596. how long does it take you to start nurturing a sentimental interest towards someone?
Different with different people, funnily enough. In general, a few months I suppose.

597. how strong limitations of your privacy and independence are you ready to accept in a relationship?
A friendship or a more-than-friendship?? Obviously I can't talk about the latter, and the former... well obviously it differs drastically depending on the person.

598. what is the compliment you've heard the most regarding yourself?
Hmm, possibly a really vague one like "nice" (which I can accept at least) and "cute" (which I find extremely wrong).

599. what's the deadly sin you indulge to the most (for the record, the deadly sins are: gluttony, sloth, greed, anger, pride, lust, and envy)?

600. a cabin by the lake or a palace on the hills?
A cabin by the lake please.

601. Best music video you´ve seen?
Possibly Metallica - One. The full version.

602. How many of your closest people do you touch? (placing a hand on someone, NOthing sexual, you freaks)
I hugged my niece a few times the last time I saw here, and mum gave me a hug a couple of weeks ago. Nothing apart from that.

603. What would be the best day to die?
20 years ago or so.

604. Band logo you like best?
Opeth's is a good one, I like Daylight Dies too.

605. Do you like drinking ice tea?
I like it, but we never have any in the house.

606. How often do you use "post quick reply"?
A lot, unless I'm quoting many people or want to check something before posting.

607. How many times you have to listen a song before you start remembering the lyrics?
After a few listens I'll get some lines, I'll need a study of the booklet before remembering them all though.

608. The first thing you did today (besides woke up)?
Went downstairs and got a coffee, then watched a bit of tv.

609. Sweet or sour?

610. Plato or Aristotle?
"...Plato they say, could stick it away, half a crate of whiskey every day
Aristotle, Aristotle, was a bugger for the bottle..."
So sang Monty Python. From that I have to choose Aristotle, since the word "bugger" is used in the same line.

611. Do you rather write things down or have them handed to you already written?
Writing them myself makes them easier to remember.

612. Would you like to be a pirate?
In bad seas I get sea sick, so probably not. I really do need an excuse to wear an eyepatch though, so I won't rule it out altogether.

613. Does smoking make people looking cool?
Gods no.

614. Last time you puked? (why wouldn´t I wanna know?)
In January I think, after a depression-fuelled vodka binge, or a vodka-fuelled depression binge. I forget which.

615. Last thing that made you smile?
Talking to Lumitalvi. ;)

616. In Helsinki there was this guy who randomly picked up another guy in the subway and started to hit him with an axe to the head. Opinions?
Should've gone for the chest.

617. How many languages can you handle?
Only one fully, a little French and the tiniest smidgeon of Finnish.

618. Your favourite booze?

619. Do you have money problems?
Yes, I have a loan of around £5000.

620. A band that you´re really into right this minute?
Before the Dawn. \,,/

621. Leather or PVC?
Both can look good or crap depending on the person wearing it.

622. How many times in a week you wash your hair?

623. Do you wash your hands before you eat?
No, unless I've just been doing something dirty.

624. The saddest thing you´ve witnessed?
Someone got an air rifle for his birthday and shot one of a pair of magpies dead with it.

625. What has been the best surprise up until now?
I can't think of many. Maybe getting a little snooker table for Christmas one year, I asked for it but never really thought I'd get it.

626. Shouting or whispering?

627. Are we fucked up?
I am, you're not.

628. Who would you want to be? ( from someone who already excists, mean)
In some ways, many people. In other ways, no one.

629. Do you ever enjoy the present moment or do you always think of another time?
If the present moment is truly good, I can enjoy it while still thinking of other times.

630. Do you just think of doing something or do you go and do it?
Depends on the thing, of course. Usually I can do things once I pluck up my courage enough.

631. The sun is shining. Does it make you feel better about yourself?
No. Occasionally it makes me feel warmer.

632. Do you suffer from deadly illness called hay fever?
Yes, but not much this year, mine comes a bit later.

633. Are you going to go swimming the minute you have the chance?
Nope, I've never seen the point really.

634. Authors are...
good. I like them.

635. To become as a...
sheet of paper,
one has to...
be receptive of ink.

636. You must respect...
my authoritaah?? :err:

637. I...
wish for better things daily.

638. Fuck you, you...
itchy scratch on my back!!

639. When I...
go to bed wearing new socks, I leave behind a load of fluff on the bed-sheet.

640. Artists are...

lumitalvi said:
641. Name a metal band that you consider as a "classic"?
642. Are you a fan of quitar solos or do you just wait them to pass and then continue with the "real" music?
643. Your opinion on Eurovision?
644. How often you feel very proud of yourself?
645. A singer or a quitarrist?
646. Who do you miss?
647. Would you rather suffer a week from a flue or a headache if you weren´t allowed to take any medicine?
648. Do you find it erotic when a woman does "sexy movements" with her tongue?
649. When was the last time you made a total fool of yourself and how?
650. When saving money, do you rather keep the money on your bank account or hidden at your home somewhere?
641. Name a metal band that you consider as a "classic"?
Iron Maiden.

642. Are you a fan of quitar solos or do you just wait them to pass and then continue with the "real" music?
It depends if they fit the music. Slayer's solos, for example, rarely fit into the songs, so I don't like them.

643. Your opinion on Eurovision?
Crap, but I think Terry Wogan's commentary is hilarious. Just now when I was flicking through the channels, Sweden's (terrible) song was just finishing with the woman singing something like "and this huuuurts..." and as soon as it finished, good old Terry came out with "well it certainly smarts a bit".

644. How often you feel very proud of yourself?

645. A singer or a quitarrist?

646. Who do you miss?
Right at this moment, temporarily, Santtu. Long term, no one who springs to mind.

647. Would you rather suffer a week from a flue or a headache if you weren´t allowed to take any medicine?
Headache, since I never take medicine anyway. Flu without medicine is a lot worse.

648. Do you find it erotic when a woman does "sexy movements" with her tongue?
Not as much as with the hips, although I suppose as always it depends on the woman.

649. When was the last time you made a total fool of yourself and how?
I did make a couple of dodgy videos recently (no, not those kinds of videos).

650. When saving money, do you rather keep the money on your bank account or hidden at your home somewhere?
641. Name a metal band that you consider as a "classic"? Black Sabbath
642. Are you a fan of quitar solos or do you just wait them to pass and then continue with the "real" music? I like guitar solos, but they have to fit into the song well.
643. Your opinion on Eurovision? I don't know
644. How often you feel very proud of yourself? every few days
645. A singer or a quitarrist? guitarist
646. Who do you miss? no one at the moment
647. Would you rather suffer a week from a flue or a headache if you weren´t allowed to take any medicine? headache
648. Do you find it erotic when a woman does "sexy movements" with her tongue? somewhat
649. When was the last time you made a total fool of yourself and how? I don't remember
650. When saving money, do you rather keep the money on your bank account or hidden at your home somewhere? hidden at home
480. if you are robinson, who's your friday?

I am Robinson but there is no Friday for me.


481. if you wear a longsleeve, do you often roll the sleeves up?

Depends on the shirt. Most of my shirts, yeah.


482. you have this sudden :dopey: for something. do you get it no matter what?



483. do you enjoy watching romantic comedies or do they make you puke?

They can me good or they can suck or they can be good but make me feel extremely lonely.


484. there is a picture on the wall but it's not straight. leave it like that?



485. is cleaning a toilet fun?

Err..haven't tried, but i think i wouldn't like it.

486. do you know many people that have the same name as you do?

I'm the only person in the world who has the name i do ^_^


487. is the health of your environment (nature, not people) important to you?



488. which is more stupid? a) burning books; b) shouting your opinions in the streets



489. priests?

Huge cock (my ex-religion teacher = priest who has huge cock and 9 children)


490. is cartman fat or just heavy boned?


491. if you're hungry but don't eat, how does your body react

It forgets that it's supposed to be hungry.


492. do you still laugh with the same joy as you did when you were a kid?

No :/


493. do you drink milk?

No, eww.


494. what does an extremely loud voice do to you?

Depends what the voice is like. If it's annoying like my sister's, it makes me want to kill the person, but if it's funny like my uncle's wife's extra-loud voice, it makes me giggle.


495. that fucking...

heartless piece of shit.

496. is rubbing a fork against a plate the most beautiful sound you know?

Not exactly.


497. do you have any habits that your friends consider sick?



498. are you good at counting numbers inside your head?

I'm not goot at anything that has anything to do with maths.


499. do you play different roles around different people?

Not really, but i do have to sometimes, to get along with people. I can change myself into the way the other person is. But it annoys me the most when someone's incredibly childish and retarded and i have to be like that too and talk about stupid things just to get along with that person.


500. when you go to a sight-seeing or a thing like that, do you prefer a guide with you or do you want to explore everything by yourself?

Guides are usually annoying and make me want to shoot someone.

501. what is the largest amount of money you have found in the street?

Can't remember, not much. Not nearly enough :p


502. cutest thing you know?



503. are white lies acceptable?

No. Any lies can't be anything but bad.


504. does easter affect your life in any way?

Nope, except it means eating chocolate, yum.


505. there'll soon be robots to do all of our household chores. wanna have a robot making you a cup of coffee?

Coffee sucks, but i wouldn't mind if it went to the store to buy me some 7up.


506. mel gibson and passion of the christ. gonna see it?

Erm..no. That reminds me of a tard that came up to talk to me on the street while i was waiting for that little bastard who was late :P


507. are you a violent person?

No. But i can be if i want to...Very violent if needed.


508. what matters?



509. what was the latest thing on which you felt you had accomplished something?

Hah, like i ever accomplished anything.


510. what's your shadow like?

The wrong shape.

511. what colour is your favourite towel?

Many colors..Has a sea picture on it.


512. do you recycle?

Yes, i'm not gay.


513. would you rather be too cold or too hot?

When i'm too hot i wish i was too cold, and when i'm too cold i wish i was too hot. But lately i've been sweating and freezing at the same time :s


514. too tall or too short?

Too short.


515. too fat or too thin?

Too thin. I'm a fat-racist.


516. too quiet or too loud?

Too quiet.


517. what is your favourite type of cheese?

FETA!!!!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......


518. do you ever go through periods where you'll look at the clock at the exact same time each day, but for no real reason?



519. do you like having curtains open so you can see out, or do you like having them closed so no one else can see in?

Closed, unless there's something really beautiful outside.


520. why does a mouse when it's brown?

Why does a mouse what? :err:

521. does knowing the lyrics to a song mean much to you?

Yes!! Definitely.


522. like eating lemons?

I love lemons, mmm.


523. do you like to wear parfume/aftershave?

Yeah, but i never remember those things.


524. weirdest thing you have drank?

Eurgh, this horrible crap they made me drink in the hospital.. *shudders*


525. what stuff you know in a culture other than your own that you consider funny?

Lots of things.


526. is it ok that nowadays everything is made to be easier and quicker?

Yes, but it's annoying sometimes too.


527. how long can you stand complete silence?

Depends on the situation. Sometimes forever, sometimes not at all.


528. do you carry a camera with you just in case something interesting crosses your path?

Not often, but if i go somewhere specific then i might.


529. how long are you able to read a textbook and study before you get sleepy?

0 seconds. I get sleepy when i start thinking about grabbing the book. Thank fuck i don't have to do that anymore though. I haven't regretted quitting school for one second.


530. harry potter?

The guy looks like such an annoying geek in the books, but the movie rules!


531. plastic surgeries?

Are for shallow cunts who should die.


532. do you like to eat peanuts?



533. are you allergic to something?



534. when there are pics taken of you, do you always feel you look like crap in them?



535. school uniforms?

Are so very gay and retarded and geeky.


536. should smoking be forbidden in public places, such as bars, for example?

CIGARETTES should be illegal.


537. a thing that warms your heart when you think back about your life?

Right now, nothing. My heart couldn't get any colder at the moment.


538. the word is "worms". how do you pronounce it? (like it's written or like "wöörms")

Uh oh..


539. ever had sex in a public place?



540. what was the last thing you gave to someone?

A hug.


541. electric chair, hanging, or shooting?

Shooting in the head kthxplz.


542. do you ever stop to listen to your voice and find it horrible?

No, but when i hear it on the computer i find it horrible.


543. have you started reminding yourself of your parents?

Hell no. I have a heart. I have a hear so much that i feel bad for calling them heartless.

544. if you get depressed, how long does it take you to get over it?

Depression is a disease, not really a state of mind. And i haven't got over my depression yet, and apparently i never fully will. As a state of mind, like sadness, it depends on why i'm sad.


545. have you ever betrayed someone, and if yes, in what way?



546. what do you do best?



547. how do you torture yourself after doing something really stupid?

Have a huge go at myself.


548. strawberry or raspberry?

Raspberry. Without worms this time.


549. when was the last time you baked something?

Just before christmas.


550. how to make your money last longer?

I don't have any money.

551. what happens after the final day of your life?

People go to my funeral :rolleyes:


552. kurt cobain?

Cool bloke.


553. comedian you like best?

uh oh uh oh.


554. do you like running up stairs?

At home i usually do run instead of walk. Up the stairs i mean, not in general around the house (y)


555. when was the last time you've washed your windows in your house?

Hahahahahaha, wtf do you think i am? A non-lazy person?


556. what is the historical aera you're most interested in?

I hate history. But egypt is interesting.


557. have you saved any money up to now?

Why do you have to rub it in all the time? I HAVE NO MONEY :bah:


558. fan of traditions?



559. eating or sleeping?

Sleeping, but not alone.


560. do you like a driving a car?

Yes, i love it.

561. so how have you spent your easter?

What easter? I can't remember. Er..Oh yeah. I was playing silly games with Tintti, Ville and Jussi.


562. do you ever listen to tapes anymore?

Yeh, sometimes if i'm in the mood to listen to some silly old crap.


563. donald duck or mickey mouse?

Donald Duck. Mickey Mouse is a fag.


564. the best cartoon tv-show you used to watch as a kid?

Tao-Tao ruled ^_^ and Tohtori Sykerö :lol: siellä taotaaaaooooo, pieni taotaaaaooooo...


565. do angels exist?

Aren't they supposed to protect people? Then no, they don't.


566. where do think we should draw the line in band merchandise? (in shower curtains or in candy, or wallets or what?)



567. are you a fan of x-files?

No, i dislike it.


568. how about twin peaks? did you like it?

Never watched.


569. would you rather buy a motorcycle or a car?

A car.


570. what aches in you now?

My tummy, my neck, my eyes, my chest.

571. science or sense?

Science makes no sense.


572. are you afraid of getting cancer?

Hah, no.


573. what was the last place you bled from?

My hips.


574. would you join the army for going to war in some other country?



575. light or dark?

Right now dark. Tomorrow, sun please.


576. i yelled...

...when i cried too much to handle it.


577. if you were lying in bed in the middle of the night, and heard a woman screaming rape nearby (and were convinced it was genuine), would you get up and try to help, call the cops, or pretend you didn't hear it and do nothing (or do nothing because you don't care)?

I'd call the cops, and then i might run out and get killed by the rapist, depending on my mood.


578. if you were diagnosed with cancer, would you fight the disease or give in?

Give in, but spend the rest of my time with the most important people and my pets.


579. are you currently lusting after someone?

Yes, grrr....*shoots self*


580. at what point would you resort to paying for sex?



581. is it safe to walk alone at night where you live?



582. what's the best thing to happen to you in the last 3 days?

Cuddling up to a certain someone.


583. what's the worst thing to happen to you in the last 3 days?

Realising something.


584. when using the computer at night, do you have a light on, or sit in the dark?



585. what's the most recent item of mail you've recieved (physical, not email)?

I can't remember.


586. i can't think of another question, so just give us some personally revealing information (bonus points if it's sex related)

I can't think of anything.
587. have you ever lied while replying to this survey?

Yes, once.


588. if yes, can you write the real answer to at least one question you've previously ignored or lied about, without specifying which question it was?

Well, when i was supposed to give out some personally revealing information, i did have something on my mind but it was so retarded that i didn't want to say it, so i said that i couldn't think of anything.


589. favourite non-metal record?

cba to think.


590. if you were suddenly lost in the wilderness without means of contacting anybody, what would you do?

Probably just sit still until i die, lol.


591. when have you first listened to a music album?

When i was like 3.


592. name five people from ultimatemetal you'd gladly do without

cba to think.


593. not counting mailing lists or email notifications from communities online, how many emails do you receive each day, and how many of those are spam?

Usually none.


594. do you often download music from the internet?



595. do you think mankind will ever "move" to another planet in the solar system?



596. how long does it take you to start nurturing a sentimental interest towards someone?



597. how strong limitations of your privacy and independence are you ready to accept in a relationship?

Give me examples and i'll answer.


598. what is the compliment you've heard the most regarding yourself?

Lots of these..erm..hmm.."you're the most deserving person of love and support" is the latest one i can think of.


599. what's the deadly sin you indulge to the most (for the record, the deadly sins are: gluttony, sloth, greed, anger, pride, lust, and envy)?

sloth...and lust...and greed kind of


600. a cabin by the lake or a palace on the hills?

Both kthxplz.


601. best music video you've seen?

Can't remember.


602. how many of the people closest to you do you touch?

Physically? One.


603. what would be the best day to die?

The day i was born.


604. band logo you like best?

Hmm...Lots of cool ones. Now that i've got the Thales demo next to me here i must say that it's one of the coolest ones.


605. do you like drinking ice tea?



606. how often do you use the "quick reply" box?



607. how many times do you have to listen to a song before you start remembering the lyrics?

Depends on the song. Sometimes once, sometimes ten.


608. the first thing you did today (besides waking up)?

Got dressed and walked out of the door.


609. sweet or sour?

Right now, give me candy please.

611. do you rather write things down or have them handed to you already written?



612. would you like to be a pirate?

No way.


613. does smoking make people look cool?

No, it makes them look retarded and stupid.


614. last time you puked?

Can't remember. Not that long ago though.


615. last thing that made you smile?

My friend being silly.


616. in helsinki there was this guy who randomly picked another guy in the subway and started to hit him with an axe to the head. opinions?

Weird bloke indeed..


617. how many languages can you handle?

A few.


618. your favourite booze?



619. do you have money problems?

More than you could imagine..


620. a band that you're really into right this minute?

Before The Dawn.
480. If you are Robinson, who´s your Friday?
Eric Bana.

481. If you wear a longsleeve, do you often roll the sleeves up?
Too hot for long sleeves here. But sometimes.

482. You have this sudden for something. Do you get it no matter what?
Er, what? Yeah, I think so. I suck because of that.

483. Do you enjoy watching romantic comedies or do they make you puke?
I LOVE them!

484. There is a picture on the wall, but it´s not straight. Leave it like that?
No! *fixes*

485. Is cleaning a toilet fun?
Least favourite (is there even one?) chore.

486. Do you know many people that have the same name as you do?

487. Is the health of your environment (nature, not people) important to you?
What Rusty said.

488. Which is more stupid a)burning books b)shouting your opinions in the streets
Burning books.

489. Priests?
I haven't seen a burning priest :eek:

490. Is Cartman fat or just heavy boned?
Hard to say. Could be both, but I'll go with "fatty."

491. If you are hungry, but don´t eat, how does your body react?
I get light-headed and weak, dammit.

492. Do you still laugh with the same joy like you did when you were a kid?
Yes. I'm a big kid :grin:

493. Do you drink milk?
Mmm, milk.

494. What does an extremely loud voice do to you?
Cringe and tell the person to keep it down or move away.

495. That fucking....

496. Is rubbing a fork against a plate the most wonderful sound you know?
No. Poking it into your eye socket is.

497. Do you have any habits that your friends consider as sick?
Dancing to Tom Jones and The Darkness.

498. Are you good at counting numbers inside your head?
Addition, yeah; that's about all I can do with numbers :p

499. Do you play different roles around different people?
A little. Like I wouldn't wear a white suit to work and dance on my knees with a hairbrush.

500. When you go to a sight-seeing or a thing like that, do you prefer a guide with you or do you want to explore everthing yourself?
Depends. Can I opt for a disposable guide?

501. What is the biggest amount of money you have found on a street?
Um... RM5 maybe.

502. Cutest thing you know?
Don't know.

503. Are white lies acceptable?

504. Does Easter affect your life in any way?
No, we don't even get a bloody holiday.

505. There soon will be robots that´ll do all of your housework. Wanna have a robot making you a cup of coffee?

506. Mel Gibson and Passion of the Christ. Gonna see it?

507. Are you a violent person?

508. What matters?
The important stuff???

509. What was the latest thing on which you felt you had accomplished something?
Some work today.

510. What´s your shadow like?

511. What colour is your favourite towel??
White with a floral print.

512. Do you recycle??
I try...

513. Would you rather be too cold or too hot??
Before last year, I would've said too hot, but now... too cold!

514. Too tall or too short??
Too tall. But I might scare guys away :(

515. Too fat or too thin??
Ugh, neither. I'm not choosing.

516. Too quiet or too loud??
Too quiet.

517. What is your favourite type of cheese??
Haven't tried enough to reach a decision.

518. Do you ever go through period where you'll look at the clock at the exact same time each day, but for no real reason (in other words, not because the alarm goes )??
Not really.

519. Do you like having curtains open so you can see out, or do you like having them closed so no one else can see in??
Depends. Usually partly open.

520. Why does a mouse when it's brown??

521. Does knowing lyrics in songs mean a lot to you?
I'm with Rusty again.

522. Like eating lemons?

523. Do you like to wear parfym/aftershave?
I wouldn't mind but I smell nice enough, thanks.

524. Weirdest thing you have drinken?
Horrible herbal medicine.

525. What stuff you know in other cultures than your own, that you concider funny?
Haha, my culture has the dumbest superstitions so I wouldn't want to call the kettle black.

526. Is it ok that nowdays EVERYTHING is made to be easier and quicker? Hello, TV dinners!

527. How long can you stand complete silence?
Not for long.

528. Do you carry a camera with you just in case someting interesting crosses your path?
Ohh, if only I had a digital camera...

529. How long are you able to read a textbook and study before you get sleepy?
10 minutes? :zzz:

530. Harry Potter?
Never read.

531. Plastic surgeries?

532. Do you like to eat peanuts?

533. Are you allergic to something?
Not that I know of.

534. When there are pics taken from you, do you always feel you look like crap in them?

535. School-uniforms?
Mine were blah. Some uniforms are cool and guys can look really cute in them.

536. Should smoking be denied in public places, like bars for example?
Fuck, yes.

537. A thing that warms your heart when you think back your life?
That one phone conversation with my dad...

538. The word is WORMS. How do you pronounce it? (like it´s written or like "wöörms")
Actually, wöömz.

539. Ever had sex in a public place? (you can skip this, R )

540. What was the last thing you gave to someone?
Book to my dad.

541. Electric chair, hanging or shooting?

542. Do you ever stop to listen your voice and find it horrible?

543. Have you started to reminding yourself of your parents?
Oh god... when I'm mean, I'm a little like my dad. I tend to worry like my mother but not half as much.

544. If you get depressed, how long does it take for you to get over it?
Quickly but it returns the next day or so.

545. Have you ever betrayed someone, if yes, what way?

546. What do you do best?
Make a fool of myself?

547. How do you torure yourself after doing something reaaaally stupid?
Thinking about it over and over.

548. Strawberry or rasberry?

549. When was the last time you baked something?
We don't even have an oven :p

550. How to make your money last longer?
Don't carry around much of it and bum off friends and family :wave:
621. leather or pvc?

Neither. The only leather/pvc thing i can stand are leather jackets on some people. And belts and shoes.


622. how many times in a week do you wash your hair?



623. do you wash your hands before you eat?

Depends. Sometimes.


624. the saddest thing you've witnessed?

My cat's last breath.


625. what has been the best surprise up until now?

That people don't hate me.


626. shouting or whispering?



627. are we fucked up?



628. who would you want to be?

Someone cool.


629. do you ever enjoy the present moment or do you always think about another time?

I do enjoy the present moment. Not now though.


630. do you just think of doing something or do you go and do it?

Think of doing it. I'm a lazy fucker.

631. the sun is shining. does it make you feel better about yourself?

It cheers me up and gives me energy, and having energy makes me do things, which makes me feel better about myself.


632. do you suffer from a deadly illness called hay fever?

Nope ^_^


633. are you going to go swimming the minute you have the chance?

Well i could run outside right now and jump into the pool but i don't want to, i'm cold.


634. authors are...

...boring or cool.


635. in order to become a... one has to...

In order to become a good person, one has to stop being selfish.


636. you must respect...

what you have.


637. i... daily

I wish for happiness daily.


638. fuck you, you...!!

sex-driven bastard.


639. when i...

went outside to save my cats, i got wet.


640. artists are...

crap or cool.
Oh, and...

641. Name a metal band that you consider as a "classic"?

AC/DC :yuk:


642. Are you a fan of quitar solos or do you just wait them to pass and then continue with the "real" music?

quitar? What's quirar? ;p I do love good Guitar solos though.


643. Your opinion on Eurovision?

So gay.


644. How often you feel very proud of yourself?

Me? Proud of myself? :lol:!


645. A singer or a quitarrist?



646. Who do you miss?

Olli and Mortti :( and Juha.


647. Would you rather suffer a week from a flue or a headache if you weren´t allowed to take any medicine?

Depends how bad the headache would be.


648. Do you find it erotic when a woman does "sexy movements" with her tongue?



649. When was the last time you made a total fool of yourself and how?

I'm about to make a fool of myself now when someone gets online ^_^


650. When saving money, do you rather keep the money on your bank account or hidden at your home somewhere?

Bank. Not that i ever have any money though...

551. What happens after the final day of your life?
Would anyone notice? Life would go on.

552. Kurt Cobain?
Made some decent music.

553. A comedian you like best?
Don't know.

554. Do you like running up stairs?
Hehe, I hardly ever walk up stairs.

555. When was the last time you´ve washed your windows in your house?
Two years ago.

556. What is the historical era you are most interested in?
Can't say I have a particular favourite.

557. Have you saved any money now?

558. Fan of traditions?

559. Eating or sleeping?

560. Do you like driving a car?
It's okay.

561. So how did you spend your Easter?
I don't recall.

562. Do you ever listen to tapes anymore?
Only in the car.

563. Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse?
Donald Duck.

564. The best cartoon tv-show you watched as a kid?
There were so many! Thundercats, Transformers, etc. The girlie side would say My Little Pony or Care Bears :p

565. Do angels exist?
That'd be nice.

566. Where do think we should draw the line in band merchandise? (in shower curtains or in candy, or wallets or what? )
CDs, DVDs, shirts and posters are plenty enough for me <-- I'm with Rusty, although undies might be neat.

567. Are you a fan of X-files?

568. How about Twin Peaks? Did you like that?
Yeah, but not a fan.

569. Would you rather buy a motorcycle or a car?
Car. I can't ride a bike.

570. What aches in you now?
My heart. [/corny]

571. Science or sense?
A nice balance of both, please.

572. Are you afraid of getting a cancer?

573. What was the last place you bleeded from?

574. Would you join the army for going to a war in some other country?
Fuck, no.

575. Light or dark?
Depends! Usually dark.

576. I yelled...
"Burrrn, baby, burrrrrrn! Disco infernooo!"

577. If you were lying in bed in the middle of the night, and heard a woman screaming rape nearby (and were convinced it was genuine), would you get up and try to help, call the cops, or pretend you didn't hear it and do nothing (or do nothing because you don't care)?
Call the police.

578. If you were diagnosed with cancer, would you fight the disease, or give in?

579. Are you currently lusting after someone? (hey, can't have 3 serious questions in a row )
Of course.

580. At would point would you resort to paying for sex?

581. Is it safe to walk alone at night where you live?

582. What's the best thing to happen to you in the last 3 days?
Making people laugh.

583. What's the worst thing to happen to you in the last 3 days?
Was worried about a friendship.

584. When using the computer at night, do you have a light on, or sit in the dark?

585. What's the most recent item of mail you've recieved (physical, not email)?
Stupid survey from old uni.

586. Give us some personally revealing information (bonus points if it's sex related )
The carpet matches the drapes.

587. have you ever lied while replying to this survey?
Not that I can remember.

589. favourite non-metal record?
I don't know.

590. if you were suddenly lost in the wilderness without means of contacting anybody, what would you do?

591. when have you first listened to a music album?
Probably when I was an ickle baby.

592. name five people from ultimatemetal you'd gladly do without
All the annoying attentionseekers and backstabbers.

593. not counting mailing lists or email notifications from communities online, how many emails do you receive each day, and how many of those are spam?
A grand total of ZEE-ROH!

594. do you often download music from the internet?
*looks around suspiciously*

595. do you think mankind will ever "move" to another planet in the solar system?

596. how long does it take you to start nurturing a sentimental interest towards someone?
Hah, not long at all. I'm such a creep.

597. how strong limitations of your privacy and independence are you ready to accept in a relationship?
Too much to take into account.

598. what is the compliment you've heard the most regarding yourself?
"You're insane" and "cute" but I much prefer the former. Cute is so... blah. Makes me wonder if I'm unworthy of another description or the effort of coming up with a less ambiguous word.

599. what's the deadly sin you indulge to the most (for the record, the deadly sins are: gluttony, sloth, greed, anger, pride, lust, and envy)?

600. a cabin by the lake or a palace on the hills?
Palace on the hills overlooking a lake ;p

601. Best music video you´ve seen?

602. How many of your closest people do you touch? (placing a hand on someone, NOthing sexual, you freaks)
I hug my mum and nobody hugs me. Wheeeeeeee!

603. What would be the best day to die?
When I've done everything I want to do.

604. Band logo you like best?

605. Do you like drinking ice tea?

606. How often do you use "post quick reply"?
Most of the time.

607. How many times you have to listen a song before you start remembering the lyrics?
A couple of times.

608. The first thing you did today (besides woke up)?
Went downstairs and had brekkie.

609. Sweet or sour?

610. Plato or Aristotle?
I'd flip a coin but I'm too lazy to get one.

611. Do you rather write things down or have them handed to you already written?
Depends on how much there is to write.

612. Would you like to be a pirate?
YES! Just to do the pirate jig :grin:

613. Does smoking make people looking cool?

614. Last time you puked? (why wouldn´t I wanna know?)
Long ago.

615. Last thing that made you smile?
Messages from a friend, hurrah!

616. In Helsinki there was this guy who randomly picked up another guy in the subway and started to hit him with an axe to the head. Opinions?

617. How many languages can you handle?
LOTS I hope. I'm up to 4 now.

618. Your favourite booze?
I don't really drink.

619. Do you have money problems?
Yes, there's never enough of it.

620. A band that you´re really into right this minute?
EToS but more like a couple of songs that I'm really into.

621. Leather or PVC?

622. How many times in a week you wash your hair?

623. Do you wash your hands before you eat?
No, unless my hands are dirty.

624. The saddest thing you´ve witnessed?
Probably my aunt and cousins crying over my cousin's coffin.

625. What has been the best surprise up until now?
Bah, no one surprises me with anything ;(

626. Shouting or whispering?

627. Are we fucked up?

628. Who would you want to be? ( from someone who already excists, mean)
No one, thanks. I wouldn't mind someone else's bank account, though.

629. Do you ever enjoy the present moment or do you always think of another time?
Guh, I look forward to things a lot then try hard to remind myself not to forget the present.

630. Do you just think of doing something or do you go and do it?
A lot of thinking, not nearly enough money to back it up :p

631. The sun is shining. Does it make you feel better about yourself?
Eh, that's how it usually is here and it gets too warm so I stay in my a/c room.

632. Do you suffer from deadly illness called hay fever?
I don't know. Not in this country.

633. Are you going to go swimming the minute you have the chance?
I can't :$

634. Authors are...
people. The good ones rock my socks.

635. To become as a...
piece of skin, flaking from my ankle, till I pick it off.

636. You must respect...
whomever deserves respect.

637. I...
love you.

638. Fuck you, you...
stinky poo.

639. When I...
I'm nervous, I talk too fast.

640. Artists are...
awesome. But not all of them.

641. Name a metal band that you consider as a "classic"?
Black Sabbath

642. Are you a fan of quitar solos or do you just wait them to pass and then continue with the "real" music?

643. Your opinion on Eurovision?
We don't get it here :D

644. How often you feel very proud of yourself?
Once in a blue moon.

645. A singer or a quitarrist?

646. Who do you miss?
There's a somebody I'm longing to see, I hope that he turns out to be someone to watch over me.

647. Would you rather suffer a week from a flue or a headache if you weren´t allowed to take any medicine?
Headache, since I rarely take medicine anyway.

648. Do you find it erotic when a woman does "sexy movements" with her tongue?
Sexist pig! :p

649. When was the last time you made a total fool of yourself and how?
I made some silly videos.

650. When saving money, do you rather keep the money on your bank account or hidden at your home somewhere?